
New Member
thats brilliant. if i thought track days were always like that, id be there every week. as a spectator of course!

more exciting than formula one.
what makes you think it wur one of the first trackdays at knockhill??
i moved back to jockland in 85 and hung about till 94 and i remember going to track days during this time. i also raced a bunch of f3 drivers on tom mclarens kart circuit and beat them, including someone called barrechello or somesuch name. does tom still have that track there?
thats brilliant. if i thought track days were always like that, id be there every week. as a spectator of course!

more exciting than formula one.

Yup. I haven't been to one for years because it just Evo, Suby, Evo, Suby, Evo, Suby.........

what makes you think it wur one of the first trackdays at knockhill??
i moved back to jockland in 85 and hung about till 94 and i remember going to track days during this time...........does tom still have that track there?

Rant alert!!!!

I was a season ticket holder from forever ago until the late 90s when the price went up by about 25% in one year. I think this was the same year one of the events I entered was cancelled at the last minute because the club couldn't afford the increased costs.

Was that Tom Butcher??? Not sure, but the same faces are still running it. What events did you race in? I have loads video of loads back that far and used to go every weekend until my boycott due to the price hikes. It made me mad that it was folk like you and me who kept them going until we didn't matter when they started hosting the touring cars.

Rant over. Plug coming up

However, I did spend a day at Knockhill in November when I was invited to a photo shoot for Practical Classics when they used my car for a feature on 80s turbo cars. So if any of you are interested in 1980s turbo cars there'll be a feature in the March edition of Practical classics. Cars featured are: -

Audi Quattro
Saab 99 turbo
Ford Sierra RS Coswort
MG Maestro turbo
Mitsubishi Lancer

Once again apologies for the lack of Landy chat

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