
New Member
I know I should check dates, but I keep getting caught out by this:

A thread shows up, right at the top, because someone has used the search function, found a thread and placed a comment.

I then jump in with my comment.

And it turns out the thread is 4 years old!! :)

Can threads not "auto lock" after either:
1. A certain time, measured in a few months; or
2. A lack of activity?

It would have to be automatic to save the mods the hassle of doing it.

Just a thought.

Of course, the easiest thing is to check the date of the first post.... :)

Nope we love it when ya ressurect an old thread, gives us a chance to take the ****..
and there could be new information relevant to the thread, like a part being made obsolete, or a new equivalent, or a new method.

best bet is:


(don't worry, I used to do it all the time)

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