
Well-Known Member
hello all

our 1972 series 3 currently has the new style number plates on it, would it be possible/legal to change them to the old style ones? I am not all that fussed on spending the money as we have just spend £415 on it! but i don't technically own it (my dad does) although i do most of the work in it and its parked on my property


Wish I could put them on my 75 S3...I did take a chance a few years ago and ran around with then for 6 months or stopped and collected a fine foe £60 I think it was...

I was 200yds from home...I asked the police man if I could go home and change them....he was having non of it.

Your OK with a 72 model.
my 72 s3 has them, look to be original, I have never been stopped - although its been sorned for the last couple of years - so you should be ok too.

a po put modern ones on my s1 and I got some old style ones made up, might even get round to fitting them one day.

can the anpr cameras recognise the old plates I wonder
thanks for that, once we have recovered from spending £400 on it, we might very well get the old plates on, sounds daft but i think it would make it look like more of a classic,
I like the look of the old pressed plates, though on my 90 they'd have to be yellow/white ones rather than black. Think there was a 2-year transition period so some pre-73 cars will have the yellow/white plates.
The vehicle must have been BUILT before 1973. There will be a few out there that are registered in 1973 that can still have black plates

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