
Active Member
Hi All,

Ive been thinking about changing my number plates, and have seen the Old style Silver on Black on a few cars namely Black ones.

Ive got a private plate on so it wouldn't be the standard 4 and 3 digits

I wondered how much unwanted-attention i would get with them on and what was peoples thoughts on them?


What's the worst that could happen?
QUOTE from DVLA: "The police can also issue fixed penalty fines for illegally displayed number plates. Offenders are liable to a MAXIMUM
FINE of £1,000 and in some cases the mark may be withdrawn."
Is your private reg worth more than the 'Q-Plate' replacement?
but what's the chances of getting stopped, since most traffic cops have been replaced by Gatsos...
As it states in Mr Slobs DVLA leaflet,

All vehicles post 01/01/1973 must conform to regulation reflective design.

As for your remark "is your private reg worth more than the Q-plate replacement", If you are stopped by the police and reported to the DVLA for displaying a none conformative plate, you will not only be fined upto £1000 in a court of law, you also take the serious risk of having your vehicle confiscated !!!!!:eek:

It happened to a client of mine only last year !!!!:eek:

Also getting stopped by the police is the least of your worries these days, Traffic wardens report vehicles for any breach under DVLA or road traffic laws too !!!!!:eek: !!!!!
Also an MOT fail, so any VOSA vehicle could stop you on the road. That includes those new Motorway Patroling vehicles as they work for VOSA aswell. Pre 1972 only.

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