Well-Known Member
I have been asked to help value and potentially sell a couple of land rovers.

He isn't a Land Rover nut...and I had trouble getting vehicle specifics, I cant tell the difference between S1-3 in the early years.

Basically this chap has them as his dad owned them. His dad was a mechanic and so is the chap (owns a garage). He wants them to go to a good home and get use/love.


First is this one, I assume its a Series 1 or early Series 2 ? its 1959 registered and has been owned from new.

It was used by the garage so has the tow conversion on the back. Condition is generally ok, it was on the road a year or 2 ago but the outrigger and one of the springs (wherever that connects to) rusted through.


Second is this one ? Series 2 or 3 ? Its 110 or 109. Registered 1970. Apparently it hasn't moved from this spot in 12 years. He said the chassis would need work. Note the Safari roof... the carpet on the roof is just from somewhere/thing else.

That's it if you can post details/clarifications on models and value ideas... I assume the first is an 88 inch and the second 109 ?

There is nothing to hide but little detail, I would assume mechanically no issues other than the age So the 1970 may have ceased but it wouldn't have been broken when stopped or missing parts. They are both dry stored and probably haven't seen the rain..

I reckon I should just say stick them on ebay....
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1st is probs 88" S2

2nd looks like a 127" S2a SW? If it's got a gurly plastic padded dash it's a S3 unless it's had a bulkhead change.

What do you reckon I can I tell him price wise ? I don't really want the headache of selling them for him so I just want to be able to say

1500 plus for the Series 2 (first) and 1000 Plus for the Series 2 (second)

Which was the ballpark I was thinking of when I saw them.
The first one has a defender bonnet which isn't a series feature.The door hinges are either S2 or early S3. If the winch and the vehicle are purpose built for recovery it makes it a wee bit unique. Is there a plate anywhere? It looks very straight apart from the bonnet. Depending on its history and detailed condition I'd put it at around £1.5-2k.
I take that back, the bonnet is original. Just a bad angle. The second looks like a S2, and on the outside it looks well preserved. If its generally original throughout, I'd put that at least £2k. An unmolested S2 safari lwb is relatively rare and if refurbished would be over double. Not sure Ebay is the best way to max price.
I take that back, the bonnet is original. Just a bad angle...
I was gonna say - razor edge bonnet


Definitely series 2 for the SWB - 88 inch 1959

Series 2a for the LWB - 109 inch station wagon

The headlights should be in the wings on the 1970 and in the grill between the wings on the SWB

The best place to get a "good home" is probably via the series 2 club

Here's a link for the club forum
1st is probs 88" S2

2nd looks like a 127" S2a SW? If it's got a gurly plastic padded dash it's a S3 unless it's had a bulkhead change.

Pretty much agreed. No.1 a Series 2 88"
No.2 Series 2a most likely as think it was '71 before the 3's came out (could be wrong there, might have been late '70 so the dashboard clue might help. Actually thought they all had series no. stamped on metal plate.)
As to size, I thought just a 109 but Mr Beasty probably knows better than me.
If I had the money I'd give him £1500 for the S2 .. I was born in 1959 too .. :)

Sadly, I don't ...

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