
Well-Known Member
I have the old doors of the csw sat in the shed. I replaced them during the rebuild as it was cheaper to buy others than repair the old ones. The frames are in a bad state of repair (more than the usual bit of rot on the bottom channel), but the skins are ok.

I have removed all the furniture to use on my new ones.

The question is are they still worth anything or should I weigh them in for a couple of quid?:confused:
if you weren't in york, I'd 'ave 'em, strip 'em and weld 'em before swapping them for mine, and doing the same to those to sell 'em on ebay for a few poonds :)
These doors often get crazy money on fleabay....even in bad condition...i saw a good (ish) pair go for over 300 recently!!!
and whilst on this subject ........... what would a full set of early 110 doors make the ones with the sliding windows and door liners still on ????
People sometimes pay really silly money for rotten doors on ebay. It makes no sense at all. There are also quite a few people selling series type doors for twice the price you can get em from paddocks. I've seen rotten old doors fetch more than the price of a new one more than once.
That's decided then, fleabay it is. I'll advertise them on Sunday and see what happens........

If anyone of here wants them don't bid just send me a PM with a resonable offer.
rear doors are different kettle of fish...last longer cos they arent used as much, people (me inc) change the front doors cos the window mechs often rot away...

my doors look great...but i cant roll the window down, they just fall to the bottom and i have to take all the cards off to push them up again..the interior is all corroded and needs welding before the roll mech will work. Pain in the some nice series doors to put on though...

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