
Well-Known Member
So I got loads of bottles of engine oil, you know 'with a bit left over', which over the years have accumilated in my shed.

If I poured them all into one bottle so it were a mixture of all different grades but new engine oil, mineral, full synth, semi, petrol, diesel etc... what's stopping me using this mix as a top up oil in my disco or as new oil in my mower or genny or something?

I'm guessing no real harm?
I just chuck it in the diesel tank, along with veggie oil, diesel, whatever I find that will burn! 'specially if there's only a couple of litres or less so it mixes well.

Two-stroke oil works well .. ;)
Oooh,I dont know....seems to burn well enough if diluted.Personally I remain confused about the compatibility of different oils, mixed,for lubrication. JM explained it all to me a while back in another thread so a search might give you some ideas.
you tipped diesel and petrol into the same bottle? This would alter to NOACK levels (evaporation) of the oil and may make unsuitable for your landy top up but,
If your mower manual states SAE 30 oil you sould be safe depending what ratio of petrol you put in.
you tipped diesel and petrol into the same bottle? This would alter to NOACK levels (evaporation) of the oil and may make unsuitable for your landy top up but,
If your mower manual states SAE 30 oil you sould be safe depending what ratio of petrol you put in.

Is that so?

Please explain what will happen.

What damage will be done?

In what way would it be unsuitable?

Please provide technical reasons for that statement.

My TD5 Disco is on 90,000 miles, has always used tractor universal engine oil, and now at 4,000 miles since the last change the oil still looks CLEAN and golden. People (all experts obviously) tell me TUO is no good.

I tell them it's better than the over-priced hyped-up rubbish sold in little plastic bottles. I buy mine in a 205 litre oil drum.

If the Oil contains petrol which evaporates pretty quick at ambient temp, spill some on the floor and it quickly disappears so imagin how fast it evaporates in a engine at combustion temp. If you filled a engine up to the mark on the dip stick and ran the engine and the oil level dropped below the minimum mark due the oil being evaporated this would cause significant wear and worst case seized engine :(

People who tell you that Super Universal Tractor Oil is no good for a landy diesel engine <TD5 do not know what they are talking about really. And major oil companys who lead you on to believe that their new shiny bottle fully syn is the best thing.

SUTO has a really good detergent and dispersant additive package that keep soot particals in suspension and the detergents to keep oil ways clean. Thats why your TD5 oil is still gleaming :)

Friction modification additives to stop the wet brakes on tractors squealing
(can also buy this seperate as anti squark additive) This does wonders for making engines run smoother

Good anti-wear and anti-foaming additives

As it states on the can, its UNIVERSAL so it has many applications :)
how did we get here he has a few dregs of varying engine oils which would be fine for topping up most engines
what JM said....bloke said he had grades of oil RATED for petrol and diesel....not with petrol IN them... least thats how I read it
I'd say it'll be fine for topping up the LR BB, but be a little careful with the genny, as they actually need a fairly basic oil, synthetics can cause bore glazing...... Not a problem with the LR, I would and do use anything from fully synth to mineral depending on what is free at the time :) (though I'm happier when its on Fully TBH)
I do apologise if i did read the first post wrong lol :doh:

If its all oil in the can, will be fine for top up and mower use :)

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