Dunt take the seats out, you won't get at anything extra! square plate between the seats has a clip at the front & lifts off. Could take the tranny tunnel off, but you're prob' going to have to take the floor panels out to as the tunnel probably clips under them. No biggee & once it's all of you can give the boxes a good clean & get a better idea of where any oil is coming from.
thank you all! I wil give it a go! I havnt attempted owt like gearboxes , but we gotta start somewhere it'l stil drive with no floor, be a bit flinstoney but the local garage guy is quite helpful! Could be an adventure! not sure its legal. i'm sure it cant be that bad, might even put new floor bits in while i'm at it!! scary thought i might just get into this landrover fixin thing, guess i'l have to looking at the posts on here! Thanks again for the help! i'll be back when i know more! Sorry!;-)
You can put the floor panels, or at least the drivers one back in to drive it. Dunt have to screw it down, won't go anywhere.
be an interesting experience without it! do i go for standard floor bits or is there any benefit to the checker plate ones ive seen hanging in craddocks?
................Actually, I dunt got a leg to stand on. I've a shaeet of the stuff waitng to be used to repair me passenger footwell. Now, in me defense it dunt rust and it will actually have feet stood on it which IS wot it's actually for an' an' an' it is being used for a repair, not just to replace a perfectly good part fer rufty tufty effect...........an', oh WTF! Like I care!
chequer plate is allowed fer floors as it is actually useful there. it stops yer feet sliding around. just dint start sticking it on yer sills and other vertical bits as that is illegal, immoral and other wurds that begin wiff 'i'
I didnt fit any 'plate to my series 3, it does have some on the wing tops, but i do use it for resting a stove on when fishin, does that count as useful or have i the wrath of Slob heading my way! i again state I did NOT fit the checker plate, was on wen i got it! Though goldfish might add a bit of colour, could make it like one of those bubble tubes!
I reckon wing tops is OK. After all, I walk on mine often enuff.

Chequer plate is the kind of Landy equivalent of a hatchback wiv an eggzorst the diameter of a torpedo toob on it.
Ok i've taken everything out and.....there is a bit of leakage from around the rods that move in and out when moving the gear lever, which is not a lot but looks responsible for the runs down the side of the 'box. However its not enough to be losing what i'm losing! i think i may have a seal gone somewhere but its so covered in crap i've sprayed liberal amounts of degreaser and will be giving it a decent clean over the W.E. Are there any areas particularly prone to leakage (i know its a landrover and it could be anything) !!! Also has anyone got any neat little tricks for finding where a leak starts? The oil appears to collect at the bottom as expected but there is so much sprayed around, its hard to tell where from!
Thanks again in advance!
Oh and while i'm here why is there a hole cut in the passenger side of the tunnel with a big rubber grommet in it? It doesnt appear to access much, never noticed as was covered up!

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