
Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does this look the absolute nuts!!

I like the idea, might suit a sharp lined modern pickup or something but not so much one of our older ladies in my opinion.
Have you seen their other products for the P38? Just about everything comes with a note to the effect ' you're going to have to drill lots of holes. As if Range Rovers don't come with enough ways for water to get in, to begin with :D
My personal reason for fitting a high rise air intake would be to try and stop some bulldust clogging the air filter as I run a lot in dusty conditions. it would also help when wading as if you build up a bow wave very limited water will enter the cabin unless you stall.
I like the idea, might suit a sharp lined modern pickup or something but not so much one of our older ladies in my opinion.
I see what your saying but I still think that looks more tidy than the terrafirma option. Its more because its hidden until the trailing edge of the bonnet.

Have you seen their other products for the P38? Just about everything comes with a note to the effect ' you're going to have to drill lots of holes. As if Range Rovers don't come with enough ways for water to get in, to begin with :D
Most snorkels require you to cut holes. But yes this one does seem a little more than others.

if you wade a P38 deep enough that the air box is in water. a snorkel will be less important than the BeCM under the passenger seat.

IE a snorkel may prevent stopping from hydrocompression, but a drowned BeCM will stop you anyway

Well aware of the BECM and water issues. Plus the rest of the truck would need setting up for wading to with other breathers and all that stuff.

My personal reason for fitting a high rise air intake would be to try and stop some bulldust clogging the air filter as I run a lot in dusty conditions. it would also help when wading as if you build up a bow wave very limited water will enter the cabin unless you stall.

This is why I was tempted mate. Plus I really like the look of it. Doesn’t say price which means it’s probably more than a 1996 diesel manual :D
I’ve gone with the Southdown one for my D1 for similar reasons, I really don’t want the car to look like a highly modified off roader (even though it’s headig that way!) so the safari ones weren’t appealing.
I’ve gone with the Southdown one for my D1 for similar reasons, I really don’t want the car to look like a highly modified off roader (even though it’s headig that way!) so the safari ones weren’t appealing.

Looks quite tidy as well.
Nice touch. Looked at their site and the under body armour looks more interesting for me. :cool:
No prices! Come on OIS!!
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if you wade a P38 deep enough that the air box is in water. a snorkel will be less important than the BeCM under the passenger seat.

IE a snorkel may prevent stopping from hydrocompression, but a drowned BeCM will stop you anyway

I've been through some proper deep water a few times, deeper than the official wading depth in fact although not intentionally. Anyway, doors didn't leak one bit so BECM was perfectly safe. The axle breathers etc all come out about bonnet level with little Us on top to keep the water out.
It's not a bloôdy submarine grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!:p;)
It's not a bloôdy submarine grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!:p;)

No but it is better off road than some people give it credit for. Proper off-roading seriously hammers components though.
Very true, I love smashing mud and tree stump bumping. Really amazing off road. It's brilliant!!?
For more serious off roading as with any car, serious mods need to be done!
No off-roadng for me, I like the old girl too much to abuse her. The potholed UK roads do enough of that already.
Not even tempted to light offroading?
On our trip into Europe me and my nine year took a track into the woods at the side of a freinds house. It was excellent.:cool:;)

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