
New Member
Hello folks,

Very recently bought a 2004 TD4 auto and am quickly realising that i'll need to start getting my hands dirty :)

Looking under the bonnet yesterday to check that the original EGR was still on there before ordering a bypass and i noticed that the silicone pipes all have a fine, dark, oily coating. Where could this be coming from? Can't see any obvious holes or splits (but will have a closer inspection next weekend).

I do get quite a few whistling/air type noises, but being new to this, i just thought that maybe that's normal for this turbo.

thanks Teddywood,

i'll have to have another look what type they are. Is there that much difference between the 2 types? worth swapping them all for the t-bar clips? are they readily available, amazon, fleabay etc?

Whistling is normally due to a hole......feel,underneath the long inter cooler pipe where it touches the manifold screw.
Old pipes do tend to have a oily residual coating on them as if they have become slightly pourus.
One of the first jobs engine wise is to change your crankcase breather filter as if these get clogged you can kiss your turbo goodbye
thanks, didn't think the silicone pipes could become porous. The crankcase breather is definitely on my list of "to do" jobs. While i'm fitting the egr bypass I will give all the hoses a good check over and might even change the clips as per Teddywoods post.

are you inIreland? if so there is a car shop in Bally Shannon as you are going out on the Belleek road on you right they have all sizes in there of the T bar clips and they are much wider than jubilee clips but you may get them cheaper of the net ,or if you send for them from DPH they can supply the clips as well.
thanks but no, i'm in Essex. Just had a google, they're pretty easy to get hold of if i need them so i'll bear that in mind.


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