Defo to small. Mines at front of n/s/f inner wing in open air but had to put a lecy fan on for towin the van. Probably best to get a proper one. It is a P38 and its only money ( pit );)
The most anoying thing was that the rad had 4 holes for mounting a fan allready there so why didnt LR fit one in the first place
Found the generic cooler.

Does this look like it will do the job??


Slightly off topic, although not entirely.... I had this Halfords box ratchet for years, but it died a while back. So today, I took it in and took it apart and found the problem was rust had seized the moving parts. I took the sandpaper and ripped the rust clean off. Seeing as how I was in the kitchen, I may have borrowed some olive oil and lubed up the now moving parts. I am chuffed to bits to report that I got that old thing working beautifully again :)


Just don't tell her I used her clean kitchen :eek:


Nothing like big enough look for ESR2276 or UBC100580 on fleebay.

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