
Hi All
This is my first post so ...be gentle please.
Last night I changed out the discs and pads in our 05 Freelander TD5
On removing the FOS wheel there was what looked like a short 'paintbrush splash' of black grease inside the wheel. There was also an amount of grease around the bottom of the hub, but not so much that it was affecting the brakes at all.
It appeared that something had blasted grease out of somewhere under pressure in one 'pop', i.e. rather it leaking out slowly, which I imagine would have coated the entire inside of the wheel uniformly [why did I not take photos?]
I've put it all back together for now...but what exactly do you think I'm dealing with? I'm assuming a failed oil seal, but I'm not sure which one. The gaiter, for example looks completely fine.
It only had new GG AT2s fitted last week (trusted garage), so I'm assuming that it could be some sort of roadwheel friction change that has burst something.
Any ideas gratefully received
Does it look like it may have come out of the guide pins? These should move freely, and should have some grease on them to help them do so. They are normally protected by a little rubber boot that can either split or become unseated.
Nope, fraid not. Both guide pins are sensibly lubed and free moving. It's more grease than that too, a really good ketchup squirt. I'm a bit baffled [which actually isn't unusual].
There was no indication of undue noise or friction on the test drive...but then, if it's only just happened 'it' (whatever it is) probably has sufficient residual grease left for now.
Almost certainly it'll be a split in the outer CV gaiter. The grease gets thrown out by centrifugal force as you drive.

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