I've been getting the occasional flicker of the oil light with hot oil, hardish braking, and low oil levels (I'm leaking at the front and rear crank seal), and I thought I should invest in a new oil pump whilst I do a oil and filter change in two weeks time. My TR6 oil pump was £50, so 'how bad could it be?'

It varies from £300+ for the RTC2554 as per the parts book, to £60 for the ERR1117 'quality aftermarket'.

My policy which has kept my Series 3 on the road for the past 15 years has been to 'replace rather than repair' but I'd rather know if there are any significant differences between the two, given that they don't seem to have any commonality with the part number.

Anyone know? RTC2554 vs ERR1117. Comments about Britpart, Lucas, OEM, etc quality notwithstanding.
I can't help with the question about the part numbers but from the story so far I'd say the problem will most likely to go away if you fix the leaks.
Look at just replacing thje gears in the oil pump, low pressure when braking was a common problem with early engines pick up for pump would be above the oil level when it sloshed about, think they fitted a baffle in the sump to prevent loss of oil at the pickup.
That probably explains it. I'll take a look at the gears too. I did wonder about the baffle situation, and I'm pretty sure the sump has one fitted (the big plate with a hole in the middle).

It's my daily driver, so whilst the cost of replacements isn't as much of a concern, the downtime is :)

The pump and sump are easy and quick to do, thankfully.
I've been getting the occasional flicker of the oil light with hot oil, hardish braking, and low oil levels (I'm leaking at the front and rear crank seal), and I thought I should invest in a new oil pump whilst I do a oil and filter change in two weeks time. My TR6 oil pump was £50, so 'how bad could it be?'

It varies from £300+ for the RTC2554 as per the parts book, to £60 for the ERR1117 'quality aftermarket'.

My policy which has kept my Series 3 on the road for the past 15 years has been to 'replace rather than repair' but I'd rather know if there are any significant differences between the two, given that they don't seem to have any commonality with the part number.

Anyone know? RTC2554 vs ERR1117. Comments about Britpart, Lucas, OEM, etc quality notwithstanding.
basically the same pump housing gears changed,check the pressure first your symptoms are normal,if pressure is low its likely to bearings more so than pump
I can't help with the question about the part numbers but from the story so far I'd say the problem will most likely to go away if you fix the leaks.

Not convinced a few drips a day from the negative pressure side of the oil delivery mechanism will cause low pressure.
Not convinced a few drips a day from the negative pressure side of the oil delivery mechanism will cause low pressure.
I thought the same but found it was the problem (admittedly on a different engine a Mercedes OM617)

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