dirty hands

New Member

After recently doing an oil change I remembered when I bought the 90 that it had an oil pressure & temperature gauge in the dash. They didn’t work and after looking at the rats nest of wires that come out to the dash I discovered that they weren’t connected to anything. I assumed that because the body was from a tdi on top of a land rover 90 that they were just there. Does anyone know if the 90 has an oil pressure and temperature sensors on the engine? If the 90 does where are the sensors on the engine and what colored wires go to the gauges?

Just fitted an oil temp sensor today - goes on the oil filter housing where there is normally a blanking bolt, hidden away in behind the injector pipes. It's the exact same sensor used for coolant temp. PRC2505.

I’ve found my gauges (in mi shed) and this is what I’ve got (attached)

So what were saying is that there might be an oil temp sensor or an oil pressure sensor or just a blank bolt near the oil filter?

The next question is how do I tell if its temp or pressure? Which one is the most useful to monitor? I’m off out into the Yorkshire sunshine to have a look at what I’ve got and try each one in turn. I’m assuming I won’t knacker the gauges by attaching them to the wrong sender.


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Bollox, I don’t know, bloody wires and ****. The wire from the oil filter sender is white with a brown stripe, Haynes manual says that the one for the oil pressure light in the dash.

I’ve tested the rats nest in the middle of the dash. The easy ones are a group or wires that are live with the lights so they’re for illuminating the dials, there some that are live with the ignition maybe for stereo n stuff, one’s live all the time (used this one for the clock), then there’s a plug with four wires and a plug with 3 wires then a couple that don’t seem to do nowt.

I’m assuming (there I go again) that cos the gauges have two terminals that it needs the wire from the sender and a wire to negative. Anyone on here remember when looking at the gauges how the things are wired?

I wired up my oil temp gauge a while back but seem to remember that at the back of the gauge there's a green wire for the power and then I ran a light green with green wire to the engine bay, and now onto my new temp sender. The sender itself is earthed. The only earth on the gauge is for the light bulb.
(saying that my gauge is a genuine landy one so may be different to yours)

I'd have thought the oil pressure gauge would not be electrical but connected to the engine by a tube like a barometer, but then I've never seen an oil pressure gauge apart from in my old Austin Maxi in 1988.

back to your oil filter sender - if the one you have is the oil pressure switch for the warning lamp, then the one you want goes on the other side of the filter housing, tucked right in next to the engine block and almost obscured by the injection pipes. A Cnt to get to. If you have a single spade connection there thats your temp sender for the temp gauge. If you just have a blanking bolt, then craddocks does the sender for £2.50. Did I mention its a runt to get to?
It so thick with oil n ****e under there i wouldn't be surprised to find new lifeforms. Thanks for the help. I'll see what I can see, chances are it will be next weekend now. Batton down the hatches, theres a storm coming.

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