
New Member
Morning all I have a disco 200TDI fitted in my defender a few months ago one of my oil cooling pipes bust so I repaired it & it was ok. On Thursday I notice I had to much oil in so I undo my dump plug a drained a bit out. Friday when I was on my way to Scotland. I left my house at 3am at 3:45 oil light came on & 5 mins later oil every where the pipe had bust where the jubilee clip was repaired. Beening so close to my farmers house I call him about 7:30ish to see if he could drop me a bit oil along. All sorted but this pipe has a two jubilee clips on it. One at the engine one about six inch along then on to the propper pipe if you get what I mean. Last night I drained all the oil & I've taken the pipe off & it's going to a hydraulic pipe made up so there's no joins in it.

I'm really hopping this fixs her.


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