Royston 90

Active Member
Hi Guys, I did a full fluid & filters change + new injector Harness. I dropped the sump to change the Oil pump bolt for one with thread lock on it & gave it a full degrease & new sump gasket. Whilst doing the top cover up I left my mate to refit the sump plug & undertay, whilst I started clearing up. My problem is after driving 20 miles my oil light come on, so I thought to myself ok I maybe needed to add a bit more after it`s now fully circulated & warmed up (I put in just over 7L) & decided to drive to somewhere safe to top up. I then thought I heard a noise coming from under the bonnet :eek: so I immediately pulled onto the verge jumped out & started to pour in the oil I had with me. I then checked underneath to see if there was any leaks. only to see my oil pouring straight out where the sump plug should be :frusty:. I think I switched off the engine before it cut out & I had only driven a 1oo yards roughly after the oil light came on when I stopped at a roundabout & then drove another 300 yards approx trying to find somewhere to stop. Do you think it will be a case of new sump plug & oil & try to start it :confused: is there anything else I should do ?
Any help/responses much appreciated.

Regard`s, Daniel.
There may have been enough oil on the parts of the engine to have gotten away with it. What is confusing is surely the oil light should have stayed on from starting it as there would be very little pressure. The sump plug has disappeared? As in it was fitted and has come out? Or was it not fitted at all?

All you really can do is as you suggest, fit the sump plug and refill the oil and then try starting it. You might well have done some damage to engine but how else would you find out? If it is seized then it will probably need a whole new engine I would think. :-( Good luck!
There may have been enough oil on the parts of the engine to have gotten away with it. What is confusing is surely the oil light should have stayed on from starting it as there would be very little pressure. The sump plug has disappeared? As in it was fitted and has come out? Or was it not fitted at all?

The Sump plug was fitted & I checked for oil leaks before setting off. I`d driven about 20 miles before the oil light had come on & pulled over within 300 yds, including the 10 sec stop at the roundabout. The sump plug must of been only done up hand tight :mad: so when It dropped out the oil must of drained out quickly & the light came on. I thought because I`d cleaned the sump & it takes approx 8L from dry, I thought my 7L fill up once warmed & circulated had dropped the level & hence the light coming on. Oh well I`ll fit a new sump plug asap & refill the oil & try starting it.

Thank`s, Dan
Have a look !!! or feel !! the thread for the sump nut, in case your mate has over-tightened it and stripped the thread out ...
Good point, i`ll have a look in the morning as it`s an ali sump & that`ll be just my luck to top it off.

Thank`s, Dan
Good point, i`ll have a look in the morning as it`s an ali sump & that`ll be just my luck to top it off.

Thank`s, Dan

But it will save you putting another 7 litres through it ... :cool:

and you can look around for another sump ...
But it will save you putting another 7 litres through it ... :cool:

and you can look around for another sump ...
True, I`ll have a look first light & post back on here.

not goodddddddd

Tell me about it. I`m getting my sister to pop into town for me whilst I`m at work & get a sump plug & oil. As soon as I`m back from work @ approx 5:20 I`ll get a new sump plug in + oil & fire her up. I`ll report back on the outcome on here as soon as possible. Fingers crossed :angel:.

Thank`s, Dan.
Well thank the land rover gods :amen: she`s alive & purring :D. I checked the sump thread & all is good, so I torqued up the new sump plug & washer. I then went to fill the oil uo & I was going to try & crank it over on the pulley bolt but it looked a pain to access, so I just turned the key to position 2 a couple of times to warm the plugs & I turned it over. It took a few turns of the key, wich I expected due to the lack of lubrication/oil & then away she went :5bparty:. Ive now left her to tick over for a few minutes to circulate the oil thoroughly & hopefully all will be ok. After I switch off I`ll recheck the oil level & ntake her for a spin.

Regard`s, Dan.
Spoke too soon:( .Today I decided to increase the speed/revs after taking it for a gentle drive up to a max of 2k revs, inc a few miles up & down the dual carriageway up to 70mph & all was good :). I then went to increase the revs up to 3k revs & thought I heard a woosh/rush/whistling sort of noise, & then repeated it a couple more times to listen again & pulled back into more road & got the misses to rev it 3x to locate the noise & confirm the source. Anyway long story short, my turbo has decided to eat itself :mad: probably due to oil starvation & when inspecting it the black nut from the shaft fell off the end. Oh well, I wanted to remove the intercooler & inlet manifold for a clean after doing the EGR blanking from TD5 Alive, so that`ll be my weekend sorted :5bwilly_nilly:

Anyone got a spare turbo kicking about lol

Regard`s, Dan
What you experienced with your turbo was to be expected considering that one part is the most sensitive to lubrication or a lack of it for that matter.
The turbo is always spinning at rather high speeds, so the moment oil pressure dropped low enough to trip the pressure switch and fire the dash light, some major damage was done.
I hate to be the one to scare you by saying that in my experience, I have rarely seen an engine that has been unaffected by 'running dry'.
The moment that oil film breaks down, there's metal to metal contact which causes damage/ wear to engine components equivalent to several thousand miles of use.
All the best mate....
I hate to be the one to scare you by saying that in my experience, I have rarely seen an engine that has been unaffected by 'running dry'.
The moment that oil film breaks down, there's metal to metal contact which causes damage/ wear to engine components equivalent to several thousand miles of use.
All the best mate....[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know what you mean, I just hope that I`m lucky that no bits of the turbo have caused damage to the head/valves & were just spat out.

Regard`s, Dan.
Well the answer to my original question is No! thought I could hear a knocking noise when I was going through a drive thru as it was echoing off the wall but I was`nt sure as I had fitted a straight thru exhaust & could`nt hear/notice it after that. Anyway driving from Chatteris it lost power & came to a clattering stop. So now it seems my engine is dead :5bAngel_anim:. Now I have to look for a replacement engine/remanufactured one:frusty:. I may see if there is any fellow members local that have the space/equipment to change the engine over as I have no driveway or space to do it where I am in exchange for a few beer tokens. Oh well I got a couple more miles out of here lol. Does anyone have any feedback on rainham engineeering in Essex ??

Thank`s, Dan.
I've no personal experience, but I had a friend over your way who used them a couple of years ago, and he was happy. Good luck, its all a learning curve.
Cheer`s Blackhadder They have 100% feedback on the bay & also seem confident, as they invite anyone to turn up without an appointment to view the factory & talk to their engineers so it all sound`s good. I`d love to have a go at rebuilding the engine, but sadly have no room to carry this out hence seeing if anyone else would be able to help.

Regard`s, Dan.
Hi Guys, I did a full fluid & filters change + new injector Harness. I dropped the sump to change the Oil pump bolt for one with thread lock on it & gave it a full degrease & new sump gasket. Whilst doing the top cover up I left my mate to refit the sump plug & undertay, whilst I started clearing up. My problem is after driving 20 miles my oil light come on, so I thought to myself ok I maybe needed to add a bit more after it`s now fully circulated & warmed up (I put in just over 7L) & decided to drive to somewhere safe to top up. I then thought I heard a noise coming from under the bonnet :eek: so I immediately pulled onto the verge jumped out & started to pour in the oil I had with me. I then checked underneath to see if there was any leaks. only to see my oil pouring straight out where the sump plug should be :frusty:. I think I switched off the engine before it cut out & I had only driven a 1oo yards roughly after the oil light came on when I stopped at a roundabout & then drove another 300 yards approx trying to find somewhere to stop. Do you think it will be a case of new sump plug & oil & try to start it :confused: is there anything else I should do ?
Any help/responses much appreciated.

Regard`s, Daniel.
What did your errr....mate say about it?

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