
New Member
Hi Folks,
Just bought my first ever land rover, Freelander auto and love it.....
but, cant get an accurate oil level reading on the twisty dip stick or am I the dip stick :confused:
No I can never tell on mine either, it wipes itself against the tube on the way out

The easiest way is to hold a piece of cloth on the dipstick as you withdraw this keeps it centre until the last few inches then you get an accurate reading,This is all I do.
Hi ,:welcome2: the correct way to check the td4 engine oil level is to remove the dipstick and clean it then fully re insert , when removed the second time , will then show an accurate reading ! :)
If you've got the older crankcase breather then it's sure to be blocked causing the crankcase to pressurise forcing oil up the dipstick & you'll never get an accurate reading. This will eventually result in the turbo blowing so you'll need to fit a new breather, preferably the BMW only modified vortex part.
my Td4 auto was exactly the same when I bought it nearly 4 years ago but it's fine since the breather was done.

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