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I had to top up the engine oil a little yesterday and, not paying enough attention, put too much in. GRRR

Any ways it is now up to the F in FULL on the dipstick, about half inch above the marker for full.

What do the wise ones recommend? Get it to someone with a ramp and dain some out? Leave as is or is it a risk?
I had to top up the engine oil a little yesterday and, not paying enough attention, put too much in. GRRR

Any ways it is now up to the F in FULL on the dipstick, about half inch above the marker for full.

What do the wise ones recommend? Get it to someone with a ramp and dain some out? Leave as is or is it a risk?

I would say leave it, the amount of overfill is tiny by comparison to the total oil in the engine - no worries.
LIKE biglad sez if its normally aspirated leave it but keep an eye on it n take it steady,my advice if its turbo drain some out cos you deffinitley dont want the engine to pick the excess oil up cos it rev to destruction with no way to shut it off ive seen large hairy arsed crane drivers run like rabbits when this happens me bein one of em,believe me they dont half go with BANG + they usually burst into flames as well not recomended mate
ahahhaha its not just turbos that will go bang ! the N/A engine will do just the same :)

i would say get it drained out to the correct level.

when they are over filled and once the oil gets hot it is forced into the cylinder bores and this will run the engine at full tilt untill it blows up !
the only way to stut the engine down when it is running on the oil is to block off the air supply to the engine, this is the ONLY way to save the engine from certain destruction.

first time this happend to me was on a 4 cylinder ford cargo lorry engine, it went into full revs and oil smoke made it impossable to see, having tried to shut it off the normal way blind panick set in and i put my hand over the air intake !
big mistake ! it nearly broke all my fingers as it sucked my hand into the intake pipe. next time i had this happen on a merc sprinter i squashed the rubber intake hose together, a lot better than putting your hand over it :)
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i have had engines over rev on me normaly from fuel in the oil but have stoped them by foot on brake and in gear, scary tho even when its not your car
Half inch, maybe a bit much but you will probably get away with it.

I know it's common for frequent off roaders a lot to put about 1/4 of an inch more in so that there is always enough at steep angles for the pickup to catch and never have any problems, I do think they may be kidding themselves a bit though. I think LR did think of this and it's designed well enough that the sump has a deep part and a shallow part so on a steep incline all the oil goes to the back anyway where the pick up is (well on the old diesels through to the 300tdi) and if it goes down a steep hill the sump is raised at the front so the majority of the oil still stays in the back.

An easy way would be to take the oil filter off, pour the oil out then screw it back on, that dumps about 0.65 of a litre.
Did the same thing two days ago with a Tdi 200 didnt realise there was only 0.5ltr between the Low and Full notches.
I undid the sump drain plug holding a rag over the plug as it was unscrewed, this stopped the plug slipping out of the digits and the oil ran down the rag into the oil tray,I expected the worst but it worked.

Thanks all for the explanations on why it shouldnt be over filled!
I always put about 10mm above max. Gives me piece of mind when at silly angles and its never caused any probs I've done over 35000 in the last two and a bit years.

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