
New Member
Hi again. Well here i am. New to the land rover world after my Td5 purchase 10 days ago, now i have an issue, yes already. No response from the seller. I appear to have got a nice land rover with a nice recon gearbox, unfortunately the nice recon gearbox is leaking oil!!! But i can't see where from. Is this a common problem? What else am i likely to encounter?
where about is leak?,fuel pressure regulator commonly leaks on the back of rhs of head it leaks into accoustic cover on top of bell housing then down the gear box, leaks usually spread back so wheres most forward evidence ?pics ?
Thanks for your quick response. It's definitely gearbox oil. And is sitting on the bottom of the bell housing, there are two pipes that run across the bottom by what looks like a cross member, oil is dripping off them as well and also i assume a gearbox sump. Im not and expert mechanic, but know the basic. The wife is like a raging bull with pmt at the moment, appears to be an expert in that field. Lol. Pictures!! Can i add them?
It's an auto box, as i said it's also a recon but not sure when this was done. Will try to upload pics when i get home as im using my phone at the moment.
It's an auto box, as i said it's also a recon but not sure when this was done. Will try to upload pics when i get home as im using my phone at the moment.

The first thing I would do to identitfy the leak location is to follow the two metal oil pipes up the nearside of the gearbox to where they fix to the 'box.

On one of my previous TD5 auto's the pipe retaining nut was loose and allowed the pipe to become disconnected with gearbox emptying consequences!!
Thanks. Will have a look in daylight. The wife popped it to the garage for me and, i quote "it's coming from the top of the gearbox". That's it no more, no less. All I've managed to notice is oil sitting on and around the bottom of the two pipes, cross member and some kind of the"sump" that is directly behind that towards the rear of the car. Oh and a puddle of oil approximately 8 inches round on the floor. The car sat for about 12 hours. It's a 1999 td5 auto with reconditioned gearbox, although not sure when this was done. Struggling with pictures as i took them on my phone and photobucket isn't recognising them.
Still no reply from the seller. Mmmmmmm. So im hoping its not going to be an expensive job, bit identification of location of leak might be a good start. Have a number of a local guy who works on land rovers and who is apparently pretty good and cheap so a visit may be in order, just unfortunately don't want to drive the car to far at the moment.
Still no reply from the seller. Mmmmmmm. So im hoping its not going to be an expensive job, bit identification of location of leak might be a good start. Have a number of a local guy who works on land rovers and who is apparently pretty good and cheap so a visit may be in order, just unfortunately don't want to drive the car to far at the moment.

The two metal pipes fix to the side of the gearbox - one higher up the other lower down. If you follow them with your hand you'll find the large nut that holds them to the gearbox. Clean the whole length of the pipes and then watch for new leaking oil - you know it should be red oil?
Thanks. Will have a look in daylight. The wife popped it to the garage for me and, i quote "it's coming from the top of the gearbox". That's it no more, no less. All I've managed to notice is oil sitting on and around the bottom of the two pipes, cross member and some kind of the"sump" that is directly behind that towards the rear of the car. Oh and a puddle of oil approximately 8 inches round on the floor. The car sat for about 12 hours. It's a 1999 td5 auto with reconditioned gearbox, although not sure when this was done. Struggling with pictures as i took them on my phone and photobucket isn't recognising them.
you may need to remove mounts for box and let it drop a bit to tighten the top pipe up it is not common for them to leak though in your case probably not tightened properly when the new box was fitted or the o ring left off the pipe
The garage told my wife it was gearbox oil, i assume they know what they are talking about lol, although i know this isn't always the case. To me it doesn't look like engine oil, but im far from an expert on cars. There's no oil over the engine , top nor bottom, it all seems to be around the gearbox are if that helps.

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