
New Member
Hi I was going to change my spark plugs the other day on my 1.8 petrol !! Freelander and when I pulled the ht lead plug off the spark plug there was a puddle of oil in two of the holes , would his problem just be a shot rocker gasket or something else any help would help many thanks if I have missed anything out I apologise ,,
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Why not go here and introduce yourself first?

You will get a better response if we know what you have and roughly where you are, otherwise stand by for some incoming!!
I have but to be honest I haven't had a lot of response !!!
Ok, In English.
have you a LANDROVER ?
do you live in a known area ?
have you said - Hi, my name is matthews919, I`m new to your forum, and after Introducing myself to you all, a little later perhaps someone can help with answering my question.

Ok, we read this first post of yours, so what do you ask ?
have you a prewar elephant that runs on apple juice, but are unsure if its 9 or 27 cylenders.....

see what I mean,
no fecking clues as to what ever your driving at all....

the most clever amoung us no nothing if there crystal balls dont work,
and i`m not talking about the ladies section either :D

I see your asking freelander questions in the "hi, I`m from" bit
best go over to the freelander section,
if its not a freelander you`ve got, then................................................
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That's really helpful mate , makes me laugh there is plenty of haters just waiting to **** on someone's back just like yourself , I am new to this forum stuff so I apologise for my ignorance as I am not a seasoned veteran just like your amazing self one day I might be as perfect fingers crossed , until that day I will try to please everyone and make my question more helpful just for people like you kind regards Stuart
Hi everyone sorry if it's in the wrong section etc and if I've not made myself very clear , I only bought my first 1.8 freelander on the 14-12-2013 and an a completely new to any forum related protocol , I will try my best to be as helpful as I can
They do this quite often, if it's only a bit of oil just clean it out and check again after a few miles, chances are it will leak so slow it might be best left
It could be a few things
Rocker cover gasket
Camshaft carrier (don't use normal sealant on this )
Or more than likely someone has spilt oil whilst topping up
Hi everyone sorry if it's in the wrong section etc and if I've not made myself very clear , I only bought my first 1.8 freelander on the 14-12-2013 and an a completely new to any forum related protocol , I will try my best to be as helpful as I can
No problem, and welcome on board.

One of the reasons that many newbies get 'jumped on' is that some of them come on here, ask for advice, don't bother to tell us what they have or where they are, and then expect us all to go out of our way to sort out heir problems for them before they spit out their dummies and leave after a couple of posts!

Thanks to your bit in the intro thread, we now know where you are and that you have a Gaylander :eek:

Stand by for loads of ribbing ... and help ;);)

Have you found the Freelander sections yet? Ususlly, they are able to give you loads of good advice, and here might even be someone in your neck of Norfolk that is able to give you a hand.

Regarding your initial query, as has already been said, the oil could simply be overspill, or a gasket, so clean it off and keep an eye on it. Then if it is something simple, you will get all the support you need to cure the source.

Now it's time for a cup of tea!! :D:D
Thanks td5 tool for your help I've cleaned all the excess oil out so I will keep an eye on it , if it persists I might change the rocker gasket , I appreciate you help mate cheers
I do appreciate that old sea dog , but we all have to start off some where and for me it's probably the bottom of the ladder in some peoples eyes but I actually am really enjoying my freelander and don't regret getting it at all ,the bonus is my wife loves it to and I am struggling to keep her out of it lol , so when we change the family car next year we will get the newer shape td4 etc , I do take the criticism on board and appreciate any help given . Thanks for your input mate
That's really helpful mate , makes me laugh there is plenty of haters just waiting to **** on someone's back just like yourself , I am new to this forum stuff so I apologise for my ignorance as I am not a seasoned veteran just like your amazing self one day I might be as perfect fingers crossed , until that day I will try to please everyone and make my question more helpful just for people like you kind regards Stuart
Hi Stuart, and a formal welcome.
the old dog ;) has a better way with words than I...

read through the sections that are more to your vehicles requirements when you have to be problem solving, as I know nothing whatso ever about "gaylanders" (you do know its our pet name for freelanders) :confused:
I only they used them in the very last Camel trophy offroad event, that was more about swimming, biking, and kyaking - DONT ask me why :rolleyes:
(but they used defenders as backup / spares & repairs vehicles)
Ok thanks easye1 I do apologise if I snapped a bit at you I do appreciate you advice mate and have a good Christmas my friend
Ok thanks easye1 I do apologise if I snapped a bit at you I do appreciate you advice mate and have a good Christmas my friend

no worries matey, its LandyZone not the Queens birthday tea party ;)
get used to the banter, give as good as you get,
but in all honesty, you cant get as much good info anywhere else,
as our member base is bigger than tescos..........

so some say :D

merry christmas matey..

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