
Well-Known Member
Trying to change the oil filter on the 200tdi - wont move an inch - even with the slackening tool. Any ideas as to how we can get it off? Its only been on there for 6 weeks / 500 miles (changing after head gasket failure few weeks back was told to change oil filter and oil)

Indeed a screwdriver and hammer could be used - but if that failed and it just ripped up the filter - then.... D:
Another vote for screwdriver and hammer, if it's really tight use a thick screwdriver, I've got a 1000v insulated one that does the job nicely :)

If that fails, stilsons/molegrips on the remains
if its really tight chiseling the top rim round with a screw driver is thew only way id use a screw driver ,
if its really tight chiseling the top rim round with a screw driver is thew only way id use a screw driver ,

+1 on that,If you punch a screwdriver through it and it still won't budge you've got a right headache on your hands.
It sounds like Goliath's big brother fitted that or no oil was smeared around the seal when it was fitted.
Thanks for the help - screwdriver and hammer did it in the end - took some though!

If the normal approach fails then whacking it with a hammer normally does the job! I bet you got covered in oil in the process:p

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