
New Member
And another: Whats typical oil consumption for a '77 series 3 diesel. I'm losing a few drips round the sump gasket, and a few through the timing cover oil seal, definatley not puddles, or even small pools though.
It burns a little oil when climbing, but on the flat exhaust is pretty much clear. Haven't compression tested 'er but there's plenty a power and my guess is that the rings are only a little worn.
Consumption is about 1 litre of oil to a full tank o diesel, just wondering how this fares compared to all your industrious machines out there??
if yer injun is in good nick and yer int got any leaks yer shouldn't use any oil. if yer got leaks expect to lose some, if yer valve seals are worn expect to burn some, if yer rings is gubbed expect to use some.

if it int smoking too bad and you can afford/be bothered to keep topping it up, do nowt, if yer concerned about the amount yer putting in , then do summit, if its a leak fix it, if its a worn engine replace worn bits.

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