I cannot repeat often enough to be 420% sure before you undo the plug.

VERY good advice.The reason why I 'tried' to post the pictures was to show I had read it someplace that, as far as I can see/understand, the level plug is at the underside of the box and must thus be working either with an internal 'tube' or a kind of 'wall' which are exactly at the height the oillevel has to be. The extra will flow over, if no spill oil is missing?
Can some kind person post a link to the “Land Rover service sheet - Q's and A's section” where I can find out about the level plug.

Have searched, and looked through the menu’s, but can’ find it.
just to save you looking......

Bulletin Number - 0002

Issue - 2

Date - 06.02.2002

Model - Freelander

Affected Range - All KV6 and Td4 Automatic derivatives (i.e. JATCO Transmission)

Re-Issue Information - PROBLEM, CAUSE and ACTION text amended. Issue 2 of this bulletin has become necessary due to continuing reports of incorrect bolt removal.




When checking the fluid level on the JATCO automatic transmission incorrect bolts are being removed / loosened, causing serious damage & malfunction.

Removal of the reduction gear brake band bolt can cause total loss of drive or a substantial reduction in the performance of the transmission.
Removal of the parking pawl rod plate retaining bolt (located next to the XYZ switch) will result in gear selection problems / gear lever movement restrictions.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES must these items be removed or loosened - doing so will invalidate any warranty claim made. In normal service, only the fluid level plug and fluid filler plug should be removed.


The level plug (arrowed) is fitted vertically into the underside of the gearbox casing, alongside the selector cable bracket and can be identified by its 5mm Allen socket head. The level plug closes the lower end of an internal level tube, therefore only excess fluid will be expelled when the plug is removed.


Observe due care when draining gearbox fluid as the fluid can be very hot.

An advance copy of a revised Workshop Manual check and top up procedure is attached to this bulletin. Please ensure that all workshop personnel are aware of this information, which will be added to the Workshop Manual at the next opportunity.

Parts Information

Not applicable, issued for information purposes only.


Not applicable

Check and top-up fluid


1. Position vehicle on ramp.

2. Apply handbrake and position chocks under front and rear wheels.

3. Remove underbelly panel.

4. Connect TestBook to monitor gearbox fluid temperature.

CAUTION: The gearbox fluid level must only be checked when the temperature of the fluid is between 35° and 45°. The reading obtained will be incorrect if the fluid is outside this temperature range.​
Thanks for that. And there's me thinking thats the drain plug!

Kind of makes me remember the time when mine was low due to an oil leak they’d tried to fix. Garage said you can’t check it so you’ll have to bring it back. Robbing gits. If they’d have been a bit more honest, I’d of just topped it up monthly rather than over filling it and needing a replacement.

The main dealer name has been wax oyled over on my wheel cover. But I still intend to wangle a photo copy of the v6 cam setting tools they have, before I knock up my own. Will post info on here when I do. Size/shape etc.

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