Now you don't want to be doing that !!!

Have you seen the Difflock sump plug? It's a really excellent idea that I have installed on both our Discos and it makes doing oil changes soooooo much easier. And you don't burn your hands :D :D

Go on then - show us more...... :scratching_chin: (please)
Nice idea that, but too much money for me, I'll keep aiming the oil into a large bucket for a while yet.
What does eveyone do with their used oil ???

  • Pour it into a 25 litre can and take it to the council tip and pour it into their big waste oil tank.
  • Spray it on chassis/underside as a crude underseal.
  • Paint the fence with it instead of creosote.
  • Save it for 5th November to start a big fire.
cool ! i work for a company that also has a hazardous waste transfer site I should just take it there really !
What does eveyone do with their used oil ???

Spill most of it, drive looks like a north sea oil disaster. Rest... put it in a drum and give it my mate for his oil burning heater for his garage. Which he's got to have permission from the council for!:eek:

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