Well if sealed for life why have a drain plug? No oil lasts for ever.

Visit a factory with a large conveyor system, the sealed for life gearboxes tthat drive it will have drain plugs.
Because a unit has a drain plug does not mean you have got to drain it.
Define the time period you mean by 'ever'.
Well there are reports of this oil being toast at 30k. Fill for life my bottom, more like fill for life of our warranty period, then we dont care as were not going to be paying for repairs::hysterically_laughi

How can you expect a high tech device like a modern auto box to run properly with old burnt, contaminated oil. You might as well stick chip fat in there..... Thats just asking for trouble.....

Maybe if you want to throw the car away at 100k miles then yes maybe it will just last to that point, But if you want it to keep going another 100k miles you are going to have to give it a helping hand........ No oil last for ever not even the super dupper long life stuff, made by NASA scientist........

Ask a manufacturer how the define "Life"
yep sure did darmain joyces was the first one i tryed not interested.he said unless your haveing trouble leave well alone:(
sorry to drone on but if its so easy to do and seems like lots of peeps on here have done it why will no garage touch it:confused::mad:
I`ve no idea mate, I wonder if its the same for any other auto box or manufacturer????

I can only think its to do with the right type of oil? I know the Landrover ATF 402 is said to be hard to get hold off, Also heard stories about old fluid and boxs being shocked by introducing new fluids?? whether this is true or not I don`t know.

My take on it is new fluid is far better than old.
really dont no the answer i no of people with auto hippos that have put the right oil in and the right amount and the box has still gone tits up
O dear.... I supose i will have to wait and see then..:confused:

Your damed if you don`t and your damed if you do.
had mine along time now with a lot less issues than a lot of peeps on here 160000 on the clock still going strong if the box does let go will try and get another box am still on the original vc and ird so all 3 will prob go together:doh:
I`ve only had mine a month,93K but it look`s like every thing is original, Auto box, IRD, VCU, rear diff.

I`ve just finished the service items and some small niggly faults. This is what i`ve done to it so far.

1. Engine oil and filter
2. IRD oil
3. Auto box oil (ongoing now on 2nd flush may go for 3rd)
4. Rear diff oil
5. rear diff pinion oil seal (was leaking)
6. Improved BMW crank case breather
7. Air filter
8. Cleaned hoovered pollen filter:D
9. Front passanger door locking module replaced.
10. Repair to brake light switch (still working:D)
11. Repaired tailgate piston/mechanism
12. Repaired tailgate window de-mister

I think thats it, to be 100% the air con needs gassing, and I might change the Aux belts, but other than that shes runs fine. But has kept me busy this last month.
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sorry to drone on but if its so easy to do and seems like lots of peeps on here have done it why will no garage touch it:confused::mad:
Garages are probably suspicious of anyone coming in and saying please change my auto oil. Perhaps worried something is already wrong, or suspected of being wrong with the auto. Hence they don’t want to touch it just in case something goes wrong and they get the blame. If you were to put it in for a 60k miles service, and you asked them if they changed the auto oil on this, they may do it as part of the service without question. Perhaps their just paranoid, or better still knowledgeable on the public trying to get one over on them.

I got some grabber tyres fitted recently. Witnessed several people coming in quoting the price they recon they agreed on the phone. Much less than the cost of the part, not including fitting. The fitters know the prices off the top of their head. They quote the same everyday. Doesn’t stop the public trying though.

LRN402 is not hard to get hold of. It’s not obsolete either. In the UK you can buy it from any main dealer garage using part no STC50531. I live in the UK so can’t advise on other parts of the world, (or planets). At the end of the day you have the choice to buy what the manufacturer says, or take the risk with another product. I’ve never seen a spec for the LRN402 so I can’t compare it to another product.

The fact that LR quote the partial replacement of auto oil at 60k miles and every 60k thereafter may just be a level check, which they replace some of the oil at the time as it’s convenient to do so. It may be that the manufacturer of the auto (Jatco) knows the oil doesn’t need changed, and should last the lifetime of the auto (lets say 200k miles or 15 years if not faulty or contaminated – purely as an example) so they didn’t allow an option to drain all oil, or advise garages to replace the oil more often.

Either way I’ve changed mine and it still works. I followed the method as posted on the big auto thread. I put up pictures on there of where the filler, level check and drain plug is. Follow the instructions correctly and it shouldn’t go wrong.
fair play to you for doing it yourself i wish i could the fact is i have not the facilities( very steep drive and no room to park on the road) so no choice but to send it to a garage:(
All you need is:

1. A measuring Jug ( 25p from tesco 1L)
2. A thermometer (£1 from pound land)
3. A smallish funnel ( again try Tesco)
4. Some 1cm dia tubing 25cm (this is just to attatch to the funnel to pour fluid back in)
5. Landrover ATF 402

and just follow the instructions in the other thread. You can reach the drain and filler plugs without jacking the car up.

Mines still going strong and feels really smooth the more I drive it, and I feel good inside knowing my freebie is running well.
jedi its not oil jug or thermometer thats the prob its the parking drive too steep and no on the road parking
jedi its not oil jug or thermometer thats the prob its the parking drive too steep and no on the road parking

Suggest you supply the correct fluid to whoever does it. If you look at the pics of what rubbish others have drained its obvious the wrong fluid has been used at sometime. Unfortunately at 60k the right original fluid is often replaced with the wrong by people who don't know the difference between the various ATF's and oil. Far better to leave the drain plug alone unless of course the heat exchanger fails!

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