
New Member

Before i get blasted ? i have done a search but not gained the right info !

Can someone tell me if changing the oil and filter is acheviable on my drive ? and what's the process and tools needed ?

I have done oil changes before on old capri's,escorts and motorbikes etc.. but it's been a while !

Never done a cartridge one before ?

Any help thanks in advance.
have to take the bottom protective bit orf - that can be a bugger - Ming will tell yo wot to do - best to modify it for future. Other than that - get a strap spanner to remove old cartridge and make sure you have something beneath it to catch oil spillage. Undo drain plug, drain oil, refit new cartridge (wipe a smear of oil around new rubber seal[ and make sure old one has been removed]), refit drain plug and fill up with oil.
best to do it with oil hot, so it drains easier, but it WILL scald!
36mm socket for filter cover
Engine cover will take you the longest
I begged a pair of drive up ramps for jobs like this
Yes it is an easy job to do an oil and filter change. As has been said you need to drop the undertray, which is just spanners and a screwdriver. The oil filter isn't a spin on so no strap wrench required. The filter is a replaceable element type and that's what Shutty has mentioned the 36 mm socket for but it is possible to undo the cap with an adjustable. Depending how large you are will decide if you can get away without ramps. Don't forget to copper slip the fasteners so they undo easily the next time.
Cheers guys (and gals)

Think i'll need ramps then !

I will have to get a 36mm socket or as you say use the adjustable !
without teaching you to suck eggs, get it up on the ramps to take the under cover off and loosen the drain plug then nip it back up, then run it back off the ramps so its level when you drain the oil
UN THEN. . .Modifie the under tray wiff a hole cutter so's yer dunt have ta take it all apart next time. . . . .:)
Thanks "peeps"

Oil and filter changed !!!! really easy once you know about the sump guard removal !

no expert but the old oil was black ! so it feels good to know theres fresh good stuff in there !:)

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