Nope but I'm 90% coming to Wales for a week next summer so get me a tray bake ready!
Pah, yer welcome to that bit - s'all mountins and buckits o'spit carried under arms fer when they loculs is speaking - if you can call it that!!!
That in't South Wales... tis Norf Wales lass. Get an up to date Map - might I be so bold as to suggest a trip to the local Poundworld to procure a 1972 AA Road Atlas of Great Britain - you may get lucky in such a tat merchant and find one as late as 1993!! Good luck!
I know it's norffff Wales... I just posted in here because nobody has posted in norffff Wales Fred :p

You can travel to bring me tray bake though :D
aye up,north wales is crap Rosie,try south its betterer,whos members of
south wales green laning(GLASS REPS)
Wales 4x4 Greenlaners
I want to hike snowdonia... Think Funkykipper is meeting up with me for laning and beer and holiiddaaaaaaaayyyy!!!

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