In article <kQxhd.1668$>, Derek
<> writes
>probably be a better bet to nick the engines to put in the plane at Woodford
>it was restored some years back but they had to abort the job when they
>found the motors were cooked due to poorly fitting covers and no
>replacements available mind you what condition it is in now is debatable

From one of the links above (about the plane in question)

>Now a rather sadder story... XL391, above, is the example at Blackpool
>Airport here in the UK. Unfortunately the sea air of Blackpool and the
>northern weather have not been kind to her. The exhaust cowlings are
>gone and the engine mounts are rusting fast; the landing gear is
>increasingly unsafe (the nose leg is actually cracked) and is sinking
>into the sandy soil. The cockpit is open to the public for an entrance
>fee but most of the instruments and controls including both joysticks
>have been removed, stolen or smashed by vandals. A Vulcan not long for
>this world... the aircraft is up for sale but has been for some time,
>with the owner apparently asking a price that is rather too high
>considering the condition of the aircraft. This Vulcan is not likely to
>be around for much longer as the local council are unhappy with its
>condition and want it gone. The airport authorities no longer permit
>visitors into the aircraft citing safety concerns.

Perhaps you're right about using it as a a donor vehicle, er,



GT250A'76 R80/RT'86 110CSW TD'88
I helped wreck one of these at RAF Valley when they were decomissioned they
had one there for fire practice - as the old man worked there he used to
take us there with screwdrivers and pliers so we could pull it apart -
bloody small cockpit for a large plane as I remember.

"Tim Hobbs" <> wrote in message
> --
> Tim Hobbs
> '58 Series 2 88" aka "Stig"
> '77 101FC Ambulance aka "Burrt"
> '03 Volvo V70
> My Landies?
> Barcoding?
> Tony Luckwill web archive at

In article <>, Paul - xxx wrote:
> Yeah, Clarkson had a Lightning .. Saw those at Finningley too .. Marvellous

I can remember seeing a lightning at an airshow when I was a kid. Every
year there used to be an air show at the Hawker Siddely factory in
Hatfield. I was only about 7 or so and I can remember seeing a black
lightning fly past in silence, with one hell of a noise following on
shortly behind, very impressive.

I saw some fantastic things at those shows, even managed to get behind the
scenes on occasion as we knew someone who worked there. He used to crawl
around inside the wings cutting off excess metal to save weight!

simon at sbarr dot demon dot co dot uk
Simon Barr.
'97 110 300Tdi.
On 2 Nov 2004 09:12:30 GMT, Simon Barr <> wrote:

>I can remember seeing a lightning at an airshow when I was a kid. Every
>year there used to be an air show at the Hawker Siddely factory in
>Hatfield. I was only about 7 or so and I can remember seeing a black
>lightning fly past in silence, with one hell of a noise following on
>shortly behind, very impressive.

<AOL> Me too, me too. /<AOL>

Particularly fond memories of one Hatfield show where two lightnings
turned up. At the end of the day, they had been parked on the display
line for a while, and a crowd formed in front of them whilst the
pilots got back on board, started them up, slowly taxied them round to
face directly away from the crowd,... then lit the afterburners!

In article <>, rads wrote:
> Particularly fond memories of one Hatfield show where two lightnings
> turned up. At the end of the day, they had been parked on the display
> line for a while, and a crowd formed in front of them whilst the
> pilots got back on board, started them up, slowly taxied them round to
> face directly away from the crowd,... then lit the afterburners!
> David

On the way back from a camping holiday on Norfolk this year we stopped off
at the viewing area at RAF Lakenheath.

We got there just in time to see eight fighters taking off in pairs. I
warned my son (7) that they were going to be quite loud. When they
throttled the engines up and started moving he turned to me and told me
that it wasn't loud at all. Then they lit the afterburners and he quickly
changed his mind, the look on his face was fantastic.

simon at sbarr dot demon dot co dot uk
Simon Barr.
'97 110 300Tdi.
In message <>, SpamTrapSeeSig
<> writes
>In article <kQxhd.1668$>, Derek
><> writes
>>probably be a better bet to nick the engines to put in the plane at Woodford
>>it was restored some years back but they had to abort the job when they
>>found the motors were cooked due to poorly fitting covers and no
>>replacements available mind you what condition it is in now is debatable

>From one of the links above (about the plane in question)
>>Now a rather sadder story... XL391, above, is the example at Blackpool
>>Airport here in the UK. Unfortunately the sea air of Blackpool and the
>>northern weather have not been kind to her. The exhaust cowlings are
>>gone and the engine mounts are rusting fast; the landing gear is
>>increasingly unsafe (the nose leg is actually cracked) and is sinking
>>into the sandy soil. The cockpit is open to the public for an entrance
>>fee but most of the instruments and controls including both joysticks
>>have been removed, stolen or smashed by vandals. A Vulcan not long for
>>this world... the aircraft is up for sale but has been for some time,
>>with the owner apparently asking a price that is rather too high
>>considering the condition of the aircraft. This Vulcan is not likely
>>to be around for much longer as the local council are unhappy with its
>>condition and want it gone. The airport authorities no longer permit
>>visitors into the aircraft citing safety concerns.

>Perhaps you're right about using it as a a donor vehicle, er,

Saw a Vulcan at an airshow in Yorkshire in the 1950s - Middleton St
George, I think but could have been Leeming. Did a fly past low and
slow. Unfortunately a bit too low and slow and it got into difficulties.
It drifted very close over the crowd and pilot couldn't open it up to
speed up. You could see him kicking the tail out sideways to try to get
back over the runway. Bit scary - the commentator went very quite, and
big intake of breath throughout the crowd. Fortunately he made it
otherwise it would have been a major disaster. Had my picie taken
sitting in the cockpit of a Gloucester Javelin. I was about 12/13 at the

Have also had the privilege of flying in Concorde - now you're really
talking afterburners and donor vehicle.
Reply to address is valid at the time of posting
SpamTrapSeeSig wrote:
>> Now a rather sadder story... XL391, above, is the example at Blackpool
>> Airport here in the UK.

What a tragic end. I wish there was room in the carpark for her.

What a good job we have the 101 club for our parts...

There is a serviceable (?) Vulcan here at Southend airport.

Serial G-VJET and it has, to me recollection, 8 flying hours left on the
sirframe and regularly does demo ground runs, noisy bugger though.

There is a trust fund running to get the old crate airworthy for its last
flight....should be good.



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