
Well, I live in west Yorkshire & the local BBC radio station is radio Leeds,
there is a presenter called Daragh Corkerhan (sp?) & he constantly bangs on
about the menace of 4x4's etc etc. Well I got a bit cheesed off with his
constant harping on so I sent him this:-
Daragh, I notice you seem to have a problem with 4x4's. Do you realise
that my Range Rover classic takes up less room than a 7 series BMW, uses
less fuel, can get me anywhere at anytime. You really should get your
facts right before blasting people that really need a 4x4. In winter it
keeps my business running, it also gets me & my family anywhere in total
comfort. You seem to be mistaking that as they are taller than a normal
car, they are taking up more room. They do not & whilst I agree about
the school run, at least my daughter wont miss any school if the weather
gets bad.

I thought the BBC had impartial broadcasters?

I'll gladly speak on-air to have a balanced argument.


Nige (Bradford)


Not exactly comprehensive in my defence of the LR realm, but my point would
be more relevant if you understood the point this bloke puts across. My main
objection to his harping is the fact that a 4x4 is a very versatile vehicle.
One moment a 7 seater, next carrying as much as a transit van (therefore,
needing only one vehicle on the road as opposed to two) anyway, I got a


Hi Nigel,

Thanks very much for your response Nigel.

We'd like to perhaps send someone to have a drive around with you in the
4x4...and then play it on Daragh's show.

Please could you email me back with a phone number, and we'll try to
work out a suitable time.

Shourjo - (I produce Daragh's programme)

Shourjo Sarkar
BBC Radio Leeds - news


I'll gladly go on air, could be a good forum really. I suggested a pro & con
type discussion. Not much point in me Vs. Daragh as it wont come across in
any positive format.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, but *my* main point is the fact he
bangs the drums about the size of 4x4's & the way they pollute (course
transit vans don't, do they) It's not really an 'off roading' type
discussion, more a road-going kind of thing.

Wish me luck! I'll let you all know when it's on, as you can listen/laugh



Best of luck. Be warned if they record the programme then they will edit to
suit themselves (this can twist and backfire on you), if it's live then
there should be a few seconds safety delay but most of what you say will be
broadcast. Remember they have no scruples just an audience to please and
sell advert time so anything goes with them.

"Nige" <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote in message
> Well, I live in west Yorkshire & the local BBC radio station is radio

> there is a presenter called Daragh Corkerhan (sp?) & he constantly bangs

> about the menace of 4x4's etc etc. Well I got a bit cheesed off with his
> constant harping on so I sent him this:-
> --
> Daragh, I notice you seem to have a problem with 4x4's. Do you realise
> that my Range Rover classic takes up less room than a 7 series BMW, uses
> less fuel, can get me anywhere at anytime. You really should get your
> facts right before blasting people that really need a 4x4. In winter it
> keeps my business running, it also gets me & my family anywhere in total
> comfort. You seem to be mistaking that as they are taller than a normal
> car, they are taking up more room. They do not & whilst I agree about
> the school run, at least my daughter wont miss any school if the weather
> gets bad.
> I thought the BBC had impartial broadcasters?
> I'll gladly speak on-air to have a balanced argument.
> Cheers
> Nige (Bradford)
> ---
> Not exactly comprehensive in my defence of the LR realm, but my point

> be more relevant if you understood the point this bloke puts across. My

> objection to his harping is the fact that a 4x4 is a very versatile

> One moment a 7 seater, next carrying as much as a transit van (therefore,
> needing only one vehicle on the road as opposed to two) anyway, I got a
> reply:-
> --
> Hi Nigel,
> Thanks very much for your response Nigel.
> We'd like to perhaps send someone to have a drive around with you in the
> 4x4...and then play it on Daragh's show.
> Please could you email me back with a phone number, and we'll try to
> work out a suitable time.
> Shourjo - (I produce Daragh's programme)
> Shourjo Sarkar
> BBC Radio Leeds - news
> --
> I'll gladly go on air, could be a good forum really. I suggested a pro &

> type discussion. Not much point in me Vs. Daragh as it wont come across in
> any positive format.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated, but *my* main point is the fact he
> bangs the drums about the size of 4x4's & the way they pollute (course
> transit vans don't, do they) It's not really an 'off roading' type
> discussion, more a road-going kind of thing.
> Wish me luck! I'll let you all know when it's on, as you can listen/laugh
> online!
> Cheers
> Nige

Hirsty's wrote:

> Best of luck. Be warned if they record the programme then they will edit
> to suit themselves (this can twist and backfire on you), if it's live then
> there should be a few seconds safety delay but most of what you say will
> be broadcast. Remember they have no scruples just an audience to please
> and sell advert time so anything goes with them.

Fortunately selling advert time is one thing they don't have to do - I don't
know if you noticed, but he said it's a BBC local station - no advertising.

Good luck mate anyway.


If Mind over Matter is a Matter of Course
Does it Matter if Nobody Minds?

"Hirsty's" <magnum.458@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> Best of luck. Be warned if they record the programme then they will edit
> to
> suit themselves (this can twist and backfire on you), if it's live then
> there should be a few seconds safety delay but most of what you say will
> be
> broadcast. Remember they have no scruples just an audience to please and
> sell advert time so anything goes with them.

They have NOT met me yet then matey. I'll not take part in any kind of one
sided 'boy whipping' as I'm no boy! They are the BBC BTW, they don't have to
sell adverts!

My main point in my mail was the totally biased viewpoint about something he
knows **** all about (not that I know much, but I'll have a go for the

I would love a chance of giving someone who likes to put things down he
knows **** all about a right good debate. I once had a go on TV
demonstrating the new machines the Leicestershire constabulary where using
to help drivers stop skidding (yeah, I know) they stopped me at Leicester
forest services at 10am. No-one about apart from me, the TV crew & the radio
etc. The Policeman asked me to have a go on this anti-skid machine. Oh-dear,
it was terrible, like a bad computer game setup for front wheel drive cars
on a wet road. I drove a rear wheel drive car, so as you know they don't
really handle the same in any conditions & told them live on air it wasn't
setup for the kind of car I drove. they got a bit ****y about it & I asked
if they wanted to save lives, they shouldn't force someone to have a go on a
machine without setting it up to the kind of car the drive! The point of the
machine was to save lives in a skid! (only a powered skid, not a real skid
as we know it)

I was almost famous for it!



On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:47:07 +0100, "Nige"
<nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote:

BEWARE - Scum sucking parasites can twist things, please allow me to


>Hi Nigel,

Oh feck, s'pose I'd better responde...

>Thanks very much for your response Nigel.

You think it's l33t wasting my fecking time do you, well...

>We'd like to perhaps send someone to have a drive around with you in the
>4x4...and then play it on Daragh's show.

We'd be happy to ridicule you on air for having the cheek to question
our godliness.

>Please could you email me back with a phone number, and we'll try to
>work out a suitable time.

We'll tell you when we want to do it, you'd better be there or we'll
say you chickened out.

>Shourjo - (I produce Daragh's programme)

I don't give a flying feck about you or your Jeep, I have a show to
produce and my man cannot be wrong.

>Shourjo Sarkar
>BBC Radio Leeds - news

Oh, and feck you.


Q: What's the difference between God and a jounalist?

A: God knows he's not a jounalist.


"Mother" <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> wrote in message
> On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:47:07 +0100, "Nige"
> <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote:
> BEWARE - Scum sucking parasites can twist things, please allow me to
> translate:
> ---
>>Hi Nigel,

> Oh feck, s'pose I'd better responde...
>>Thanks very much for your response Nigel.

> You think it's l33t wasting my fecking time do you, well...
>>We'd like to perhaps send someone to have a drive around with you in the
>>4x4...and then play it on Daragh's show.

> We'd be happy to ridicule you on air for having the cheek to question
> our godliness.
>>Please could you email me back with a phone number, and we'll try to
>>work out a suitable time.

> We'll tell you when we want to do it, you'd better be there or we'll
> say you chickened out.
>>Shourjo - (I produce Daragh's programme)

> I don't give a flying feck about you or your Jeep, I have a show to
> produce and my man cannot be wrong.
>>Shourjo Sarkar
>>BBC Radio Leeds - news

> Oh, and feck you.
> ---
> Q: What's the difference between God and a jounalist?
> A: God knows he's not a jounalist.

Martyn, I know, but I'm prepared & if I feel they try to take the **** I'll
do a 'Fathers For Justice' type stunt. You know the funniest thing we could
is to use some kind of code in the broadcast. If I use the word 'Fairey' it
could mean I think the blokes a total ****ing pansy, even better, we could
use something like a blatant name call like Mike Hunt etc! It could be a
good point of view though on the other hand? I'm the most cynical ****
alive, but I fancy spending a bit of my licence fee on something I'm growing
to enjoy a lot!

We could field a ringer, now that would be well funny!



No GBH now ! :))

"Nige" <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote in message
> "Mother" <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> wrote in message
> news:1ildn051ml6j7as7lb9bkd3ecsur8nr495@4ax.com...
> > On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:47:07 +0100, "Nige"
> > <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote:
> >
> > BEWARE - Scum sucking parasites can twist things, please allow me to
> > translate:
> >
> > ---
> >
> >>Hi Nigel,

> >
> > Oh feck, s'pose I'd better responde...
> >
> >>Thanks very much for your response Nigel.

> >
> > You think it's l33t wasting my fecking time do you, well...
> >
> >>We'd like to perhaps send someone to have a drive around with you in the
> >>4x4...and then play it on Daragh's show.

> >
> > We'd be happy to ridicule you on air for having the cheek to question
> > our godliness.
> >
> >>Please could you email me back with a phone number, and we'll try to
> >>work out a suitable time.

> >
> > We'll tell you when we want to do it, you'd better be there or we'll
> > say you chickened out.
> >
> >>Shourjo - (I produce Daragh's programme)

> >
> > I don't give a flying feck about you or your Jeep, I have a show to
> > produce and my man cannot be wrong.
> >
> >>Shourjo Sarkar
> >>BBC Radio Leeds - news

> >
> > Oh, and feck you.
> >
> > ---
> >
> > Q: What's the difference between God and a jounalist?
> >
> > A: God knows he's not a jounalist.
> >
> >
> >
> >

> Martyn, I know, but I'm prepared & if I feel they try to take the ****

> do a 'Fathers For Justice' type stunt. You know the funniest thing we

> is to use some kind of code in the broadcast. If I use the word 'Fairey'

> could mean I think the blokes a total ****ing pansy, even better, we could
> use something like a blatant name call like Mike Hunt etc! It could be a
> good point of view though on the other hand? I'm the most cynical ****
> alive, but I fancy spending a bit of my licence fee on something I'm

> to enjoy a lot!
> We could field a ringer, now that would be well funny!
> Ta
> Nige

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 22:35:30 +0100, "Nige"
<nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote:

>Martyn, I know, but I'm prepared & if I feel they try to take the **** I'll
>do a 'Fathers For Justice' type stunt. You know the funniest thing we could
>is to use some kind of code in the broadcast. If I use the word 'Fairey' it
>could mean I think the blokes a total ****ing pansy, even better, we could
>use something like a blatant name call like Mike Hunt etc! It could be a
>good point of view though on the other hand? I'm the most cynical ****
>alive, but I fancy spending a bit of my licence fee on something I'm growing
>to enjoy a lot!

Alright, "A Friend" of mine, erm, does work for the BBC. I'm more
than sure he'd say that they know all the tricks in the book and Mr
Hunt, being a regular caller to EVERY phone-in is, well known. Best
thing I can advise it to play it totally straight. Don't 'try'
anything as believe me, they'll know and will use it - against you.

Always pause and imagine of a couple of apples falling from a tree
before answering anything you cannot confidently immediately answer
(the apples thing is an NLP technique, gives you time to clarify your

NEVER EVER say "but". A sound editor will know that the bit before or
after a "but" is priceless - when edited (think about how you usually
use it...)

HTH :)

"Mother" <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> wrote in message

> Always pause and imagine of a couple of apples falling from a tree
> before answering anything you cannot confidently immediately answer
> (the apples thing is an NLP technique, gives you time to clarify your
> thoughts).

No large Pears?

" I'n not sure about over use of byways, but would you like an apple? I have


Lee D


Workshop photos from Landrover repairs
& other such tinkerings.
Home of Percy the Jag powered Landrover

In news:2to417F2279rpU1@uni-berlin.de,
Nige <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> blithered:
> "Mother" <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> wrote in message
> news:1ildn051ml6j7as7lb9bkd3ecsur8nr495@4ax.com...
>> On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:47:07 +0100, "Nige"
>> <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> BEWARE - Scum sucking parasites can twist things, please allow me to
>> translate:
>> ---
>>> Hi Nigel,

>> Oh feck, s'pose I'd better responde...
>>> Thanks very much for your response Nigel.

>> You think it's l33t wasting my fecking time do you, well...
>>> We'd like to perhaps send someone to have a drive around with you
>>> in the 4x4...and then play it on Daragh's show.

>> We'd be happy to ridicule you on air for having the cheek to question
>> our godliness.
>>> Please could you email me back with a phone number, and we'll try to
>>> work out a suitable time.

>> We'll tell you when we want to do it, you'd better be there or we'll
>> say you chickened out.
>>> Shourjo - (I produce Daragh's programme)

>> I don't give a flying feck about you or your Jeep, I have a show to
>> produce and my man cannot be wrong.
>>> Shourjo Sarkar
>>> BBC Radio Leeds - news

>> Oh, and feck you.
>> ---
>> Q: What's the difference between God and a jounalist?
>> A: God knows he's not a jounalist.

> Martyn, I know, but I'm prepared & if I feel they try to take the
> **** I'll do a 'Fathers For Justice' type stunt. You know the
> funniest thing we could is to use some kind of code in the broadcast.
> If I use the word 'Fairey' it could mean I think the blokes a total
> ****ing pansy, even better, we could use something like a blatant
> name call like Mike Hunt etc! It could be a good point of view though
> on the other hand? I'm the most cynical **** alive, but I fancy
> spending a bit of my licence fee on something I'm growing to enjoy a
> lot!
> We could field a ringer, now that would be well funny!
> Ta
> Nige

Take the b'stard around a comp safari, he'll likely need several changes of
I rather think Austin Sh has the best argument against these know nothing

If at first you don't succeed,
maybe skydiving's not for you!

In news:OVAdd.457$Za.147@newsfe5-gui.ntli.net,
Hirsty's <magnum.458@ntlworld.com> blithered:
> No GBH now ! :))
> "Nige" <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote in message
> news:2to417F2279rpU1@uni-berlin.de...
>> "Mother" <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> wrote in message
>> news:1ildn051ml6j7as7lb9bkd3ecsur8nr495@4ax.com...
>>> On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:47:07 +0100, "Nige"
>>> <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote:
>>> BEWARE - Scum sucking parasites can twist things, please allow me to
>>> translate:
>>> ---
>>>> Hi Nigel,
>>> Oh feck, s'pose I'd better responde...
>>>> Thanks very much for your response Nigel.
>>> You think it's l33t wasting my fecking time do you, well...
>>>> We'd like to perhaps send someone to have a drive around with you
>>>> in the 4x4...and then play it on Daragh's show.
>>> We'd be happy to ridicule you on air for having the cheek to
>>> question our godliness.
>>>> Please could you email me back with a phone number, and we'll try
>>>> to work out a suitable time.
>>> We'll tell you when we want to do it, you'd better be there or we'll
>>> say you chickened out.
>>>> Shourjo - (I produce Daragh's programme)
>>> I don't give a flying feck about you or your Jeep, I have a show to
>>> produce and my man cannot be wrong.
>>>> Shourjo Sarkar
>>>> BBC Radio Leeds - news
>>> Oh, and feck you.
>>> ---
>>> Q: What's the difference between God and a jounalist?
>>> A: God knows he's not a jounalist.

>> Martyn, I know, but I'm prepared & if I feel they try to take the
>> **** I'll do a 'Fathers For Justice' type stunt. You know the
>> funniest thing we could is to use some kind of code in the
>> broadcast. If I use the word 'Fairey' it could mean I think the
>> blokes a total ****ing pansy, even better, we could use something
>> like a blatant name call like Mike Hunt etc! It could be a good
>> point of view though on the other hand? I'm the most cynical ****
>> alive, but I fancy spending a bit of my licence fee on something I'm
>> growing to enjoy a lot!
>> We could field a ringer, now that would be well funny!
>> Ta
>> Nige

What pray is wrong with me????

If at first you don't succeed,
maybe skydiving's not for you!

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 19:40:51 +0100, "GbH"
<Geoff_Hannington@IEE.ORGasm> wrote:

>What pray is wrong with me????

Apart from requoting 80 odd irrelevant lines for a 1 line reply that
would have been vaguely funny if you hadn't requoted 80 odd irrelevant
lines, you mean?

Oops ! sorry forgot. No offence intended; ah !! I have just noticed I put a
big B in; I see you're a little b

John H

"GbH" <Geoff_Hannington@IEE.ORGasm> wrote in message
> In news:OVAdd.457$Za.147@newsfe5-gui.ntli.net,
> Hirsty's <magnum.458@ntlworld.com> blithered:
> > No GBH now ! :))
> >
> >
> > "Nige" <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote in message
> > news:2to417F2279rpU1@uni-berlin.de...
> >>
> >> "Mother" <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> wrote in message
> >> news:1ildn051ml6j7as7lb9bkd3ecsur8nr495@4ax.com...
> >>> On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:47:07 +0100, "Nige"
> >>> <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> BEWARE - Scum sucking parasites can twist things, please allow me to
> >>> translate:
> >>>
> >>> ---
> >>>
> >>>> Hi Nigel,
> >>>
> >>> Oh feck, s'pose I'd better responde...
> >>>
> >>>> Thanks very much for your response Nigel.
> >>>
> >>> You think it's l33t wasting my fecking time do you, well...
> >>>
> >>>> We'd like to perhaps send someone to have a drive around with you
> >>>> in the 4x4...and then play it on Daragh's show.
> >>>
> >>> We'd be happy to ridicule you on air for having the cheek to
> >>> question our godliness.
> >>>
> >>>> Please could you email me back with a phone number, and we'll try
> >>>> to work out a suitable time.
> >>>
> >>> We'll tell you when we want to do it, you'd better be there or we'll
> >>> say you chickened out.
> >>>
> >>>> Shourjo - (I produce Daragh's programme)
> >>>
> >>> I don't give a flying feck about you or your Jeep, I have a show to
> >>> produce and my man cannot be wrong.
> >>>
> >>>> Shourjo Sarkar
> >>>> BBC Radio Leeds - news
> >>>
> >>> Oh, and feck you.
> >>>
> >>> ---
> >>>
> >>> Q: What's the difference between God and a jounalist?
> >>>
> >>> A: God knows he's not a jounalist.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Martyn, I know, but I'm prepared & if I feel they try to take the
> >> **** I'll do a 'Fathers For Justice' type stunt. You know the
> >> funniest thing we could is to use some kind of code in the
> >> broadcast. If I use the word 'Fairey' it could mean I think the
> >> blokes a total ****ing pansy, even better, we could use something
> >> like a blatant name call like Mike Hunt etc! It could be a good
> >> point of view though on the other hand? I'm the most cynical ****
> >> alive, but I fancy spending a bit of my licence fee on something I'm
> >> growing to enjoy a lot!
> >>
> >> We could field a ringer, now that would be well funny!
> >>
> >> Ta
> >>
> >> Nige

> What pray is wrong with me????
> --
> UR SHGb02+14 &ICMFP
> If at first you don't succeed,
> maybe skydiving's not for you!

In message <cq6gn01lh4j48dsbeb8kdrpeq07mhmobea@4ax.com>, Mr. Nice.
<mr.nice@-nospam-clara.co.uk> writes
>Twas Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:47:07 +0100 when "Nige"
><nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> put finger to keyboard producing:
>>Well, I live in west Yorkshire & the local BBC radio station is radio Leeds,
>>there is a presenter called Daragh Corkerhan (sp?) & he constantly bangs on
>>about the menace of 4x4's etc etc. Well I got a bit cheesed off with his
>>constant harping on so I sent him this:-

>As for the pollution argument, I've not checked it out but I believe
>the biofuel my 110 now runs on has far lower polutants (is that a
>word?) than diesel and I was told that the amount of carbon (or
>something) that the plant absorbs from the air is 10 times the amount
>that the same number of plants worth of recycled oil burned in my
>engine produces, which is nice.
>And my work takes me up and down rough tracks on bodmin moor and
>dartmoor so he can bugger off if he thinks I'm going to do that in a
>smart car or a bloody push-bike.
>Mark.(AKA, Mr.Nice.)

And presumably this tosser, if he got into difficulties either out
walking or in inclement weather would decline the assistance of any
rescue service which turned up in a 4x4 to help him.

We've been through the arguments many times b4.
footprint - smaller than your average salon
height - no greater than an MPV - they're classed as Vans on M6 Toll
volume - less than a Volvo estate.
pollution - same or smaller engines than in many cars. (Don't forget the
smaller 4x4s Suzuki for example. Don't they start at 1.4 lt
Mpg - ditto (also many large petrol engined 4x4s now converted to LPG)
risk to pedestrians - greater reduction in injuries if standard bumper
height on cars was raised, but the motor industry won't do that.
Reply to address is valid at the time of posting
In news:jc4gn09jq7t79h1qkvduesgnsp7216ed2q@4ax.com,
Mother" <"@ {m} @ <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> blithered:
> On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 19:40:51 +0100, "GbH"
> <Geoff_Hannington@IEE.ORGasm> wrote:
>> What pray is wrong with me????

> Apart from requoting 80 odd irrelevant lines for a 1 line reply that
> would have been vaguely funny if you hadn't requoted 80 odd irrelevant
> lines, you mean?

Oh that?

If at first you don't succeed,
maybe skydiving's not for you!

In news:S1Vdd.767$Li3.210@newsfe1-win.ntli.net,
Hirsty's <magnum.458@ntlworld.com> blithered:
> Oops ! sorry forgot. No offence intended; ah !! I have just noticed I
> put a big B in; I see you're a little b
> :)))
> John H

Not sure most people look upon me as a little b!

> "GbH" <Geoff_Hannington@IEE.ORGasm> wrote in message
> news:417802b7$0$48011$ed2e19e4@ptn-nntp-reader04.plus.net...
>> In news:OVAdd.457$Za.147@newsfe5-gui.ntli.net,
>> Hirsty's <magnum.458@ntlworld.com> blithered:
>>> No GBH now ! :))
>>> "Nige" <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote in message
>>> news:2to417F2279rpU1@uni-berlin.de...
>>>> "Mother" <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> wrote in message
>>>> news:1ildn051ml6j7as7lb9bkd3ecsur8nr495@4ax.com...
>>>>> On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:47:07 +0100, "Nige"
>>>>> <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote:
>>>>> BEWARE - Scum sucking parasites can twist things, please allow me
>>>>> to translate:
>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Hi Nigel,
>>>>> Oh feck, s'pose I'd better responde...
>>>>>> Thanks very much for your response Nigel.
>>>>> You think it's l33t wasting my fecking time do you, well...
>>>>>> We'd like to perhaps send someone to have a drive around with you
>>>>>> in the 4x4...and then play it on Daragh's show.
>>>>> We'd be happy to ridicule you on air for having the cheek to
>>>>> question our godliness.
>>>>>> Please could you email me back with a phone number, and we'll try
>>>>>> to work out a suitable time.
>>>>> We'll tell you when we want to do it, you'd better be there or
>>>>> we'll say you chickened out.
>>>>>> Shourjo - (I produce Daragh's programme)
>>>>> I don't give a flying feck about you or your Jeep, I have a show
>>>>> to produce and my man cannot be wrong.
>>>>>> Shourjo Sarkar
>>>>>> BBC Radio Leeds - news
>>>>> Oh, and feck you.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Q: What's the difference between God and a jounalist?
>>>>> A: God knows he's not a jounalist.
>>>> Martyn, I know, but I'm prepared & if I feel they try to take the
>>>> **** I'll do a 'Fathers For Justice' type stunt. You know the
>>>> funniest thing we could is to use some kind of code in the
>>>> broadcast. If I use the word 'Fairey' it could mean I think the
>>>> blokes a total ****ing pansy, even better, we could use something
>>>> like a blatant name call like Mike Hunt etc! It could be a good
>>>> point of view though on the other hand? I'm the most cynical ****
>>>> alive, but I fancy spending a bit of my licence fee on something
>>>> I'm growing to enjoy a lot!
>>>> We could field a ringer, now that would be well funny!
>>>> Ta
>>>> Nige

>> What pray is wrong with me????
>> --
>> UR SHGb02+14 &ICMFP
>> If at first you don't succeed,
>> maybe skydiving's not for you!

If at first you don't succeed,
maybe skydiving's not for you!

Oops !! No offence intended
(getting to be a habit this )
"GbH" <Geoff_Hannington@IEE.ORGasm> wrote in message
> In news:S1Vdd.767$Li3.210@newsfe1-win.ntli.net,
> Hirsty's <magnum.458@ntlworld.com> blithered:
> > Oops ! sorry forgot. No offence intended; ah !! I have just noticed I
> > put a big B in; I see you're a little b
> > :)))
> >
> > John H

> Not sure most people look upon me as a little b!
> >
> >
> > "GbH" <Geoff_Hannington@IEE.ORGasm> wrote in message
> > news:417802b7$0$48011$ed2e19e4@ptn-nntp-reader04.plus.net...
> >> In news:OVAdd.457$Za.147@newsfe5-gui.ntli.net,
> >> Hirsty's <magnum.458@ntlworld.com> blithered:
> >>> No GBH now ! :))
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> "Nige" <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote in message
> >>> news:2to417F2279rpU1@uni-berlin.de...
> >>>>
> >>>> "Mother" <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> wrote in message
> >>>> news:1ildn051ml6j7as7lb9bkd3ecsur8nr495@4ax.com...
> >>>>> On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:47:07 +0100, "Nige"
> >>>>> <nigel.ince****OFF@btinternet.com> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> BEWARE - Scum sucking parasites can twist things, please allow me
> >>>>> to translate:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ---
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi Nigel,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Oh feck, s'pose I'd better responde...
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Thanks very much for your response Nigel.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> You think it's l33t wasting my fecking time do you, well...
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> We'd like to perhaps send someone to have a drive around with you
> >>>>>> in the 4x4...and then play it on Daragh's show.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> We'd be happy to ridicule you on air for having the cheek to
> >>>>> question our godliness.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Please could you email me back with a phone number, and we'll try
> >>>>>> to work out a suitable time.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> We'll tell you when we want to do it, you'd better be there or
> >>>>> we'll say you chickened out.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Shourjo - (I produce Daragh's programme)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I don't give a flying feck about you or your Jeep, I have a show
> >>>>> to produce and my man cannot be wrong.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Shourjo Sarkar
> >>>>>> BBC Radio Leeds - news
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Oh, and feck you.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ---
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Q: What's the difference between God and a jounalist?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> A: God knows he's not a jounalist.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Martyn, I know, but I'm prepared & if I feel they try to take the
> >>>> **** I'll do a 'Fathers For Justice' type stunt. You know the
> >>>> funniest thing we could is to use some kind of code in the
> >>>> broadcast. If I use the word 'Fairey' it could mean I think the
> >>>> blokes a total ****ing pansy, even better, we could use something
> >>>> like a blatant name call like Mike Hunt etc! It could be a good
> >>>> point of view though on the other hand? I'm the most cynical ****
> >>>> alive, but I fancy spending a bit of my licence fee on something
> >>>> I'm growing to enjoy a lot!
> >>>>
> >>>> We could field a ringer, now that would be well funny!
> >>>>
> >>>> Ta
> >>>>
> >>>> Nige
> >>
> >> What pray is wrong with me????
> >>
> >> --
> >> UR SHGb02+14 &ICMFP
> >> If at first you don't succeed,
> >> maybe skydiving's not for you!

> --
> UR SHGb02+14 &ICMFP
> If at first you don't succeed,
> maybe skydiving's not for you!

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 17:24:58 GMT, "Hirsty's" <magnum.458@ntlworld.com>

>Oops !! No offence intended
>(getting to be a habit this )

I'm trying to be tolerant, and understanding, and a reinvented type of

.... but


I believe, being a tolerant, and understanding, and a reinvented type
of bloke, that gentle hints are better than my old, previously
documented, somewhat direct way of dealing with such minor issues.


> I believe, being a tolerant, and understanding, and a reinvented type
> of bloke, that gentle hints are better than my old, previously
> documented, somewhat direct way of dealing with such minor issues.


If at first you don't succeed,
maybe skydiving's not for you!


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