John S

Well-Known Member
Today was classic alpine sun and searing cold. Everything frozen n dry . Hooked up the trailer and packed the chainsaw for that big branch I'd spotted in a dry ditch. Landy, trailer, logs, weather perfect . Tonight it's forecast-6C .
Yeah. Ran out of free supplies last year and had to buy in some this winter. Autumn storms around here have produced a lot of free logs. That plus a major storm damage in our garden has produced plenty for next year. My son returns from university in a weeks time he'll help splitting and logging in the landy as a break. He appreciates the satisfaction you stated.:D
I used to collect wood for an elderly friend. He died a year ago, and I still look longingly at any logs I see, but they won't fit into my gas fire!
Every time I think 'time to sort the chimney out and get a multifuel burner' it's already winter and you can't find anyone.
They'll probably be banned in the south east soon anyway, given the current rate of eco fun sucking diktats spreading from the cities. We'll all be gathered around our LED lightbulbs for warmth :confused:
I tend to stop and pick up any I see on the side of the road that will fit in the boot, but I've never been out with the chainsaw - always been a bit wary of that... What's the law and/or most common accepted form on this?
I can imagine 10 minutes after firing up the saw on the side of the road, Mr Angry land owner turns up to give me a good mouthful!
Mmm free wood


There's a chopped down oak tree at work with my name on it :D
I tend to stop and pick up any I see on the side of the road that will fit in the boot, but I've never been out with the chainsaw - always been a bit wary of that... What's the law and/or most common accepted form on this?
I can imagine 10 minutes after firing up the saw on the side of the road, Mr Angry land owner turns up to give me a good mouthful!
Know of police wanting to charge a guy for picking up sawn disks off side of road. Council guy told police they were left there because they didn't want them or the hassle of moving them. Reckoned they weren't happy about having to drop it.
Sorry, Only came here for photo's of a crisp winter and "dogging" mistake....oops! ;-)
The council here leave the rounds in piles its like a lottery win haha they don't sit for long either.
Ive still got some Lebanese cedar that came down in a storm it smells absolutely wonderful :D
I'm always on the look out, our local tip charge tree surgeons so I aways stop if I see them working and blag a few logs. Put a cheap Chinese stove in a few years ago and its been great. When i mentioned it one day in a stove store the guy said "what do the Chinese know about casting iron?" - I think they invented it 1000 years ago... I use a Sankey trailer but its a narrow track with no tail gate so I've just hours making one. Its too cold to paint it so that can wait till spring. Logs and series go togther like...
My rule is if it's a country road and the wood is between the road and the field boundary it's public land and fair game. I tend to take what's fallen rather than fell trees...a wee bit dangerous beside the road. Local council only come and clear if the tree is blocking the road and they leave most of it cos they know peeps will clear it.

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