So I've had the "Rangie" for a week and my god I've had some ups and downs. Yesterday I was driving to work and there was a massive bang while accelerating on to the motorway slip road, pulled over to check and think it was a back fire? The air filter box is in bits, there was a metal flap on the front of the box and that was stuck in managed to prise it out with a screwdriver, so need to get hold of a new box and try and refurb the flap.

Got in it today to move it off the drive for my mrs and just after I pulled off "Alternator fault" warning light came on. Checked all the connections and there all pretty fixed so ordered a new today from autocarparts £136 this sound reasonable? God give me strength :mad:
Was the bang from the front or the back?

If I've been on the brakes and accelerate rapidly (i.e. lead foot, mash it doon!) then I get a noticeable bang/twang from the rear of the car. I think it's mechanical though and not a backfire?
So I've had the "Rangie" for a week and my god I've had some ups and downs. Yesterday I was driving to work and there was a massive bang while accelerating on to the motorway slip road, pulled over to check and think it was a back fire? The air filter box is in bits, there was a metal flap on the front of the box and that was stuck in managed to prise it out with a screwdriver, so need to get hold of a new box and try and refurb the flap.

Got in it today to move it off the drive for my mrs and just after I pulled off "Alternator fault" warning light came on. Checked all the connections and there all pretty fixed so ordered a new today from autocarparts £136 this sound reasonable? God give me strength :mad:

Does it have single point LPG fitted?
Was gonna say, single point LPG is notorious for backfiring!! Gives cyclists a jump :D
No Idea, the lpg system was already on the car when I got it. The first one came from the front then when I put the peddle to the floor I got a couple of smaller ones to the rear
If you have a large 'collar' in the air intake ducting after the MAF before the plenum, it is single point...and mashing yer foot to the floor is a sure fire way of getting it to backfire!!

Most single point setups use a 'Fart Flap' built into the intake ducting to prevent damage to the MAF and air P38 has a modified air box with a hinged lid to dissipate any backfire pressure to prevent damage.... goooooooooooogle LPG backfire valve
That's the one I have then after it back fired I opened up the bonnet and saw that the air filter box lid had snapped and the metal flap had got stuck. Just need to modify the new box when I get it, or could I replace it altogether for a cone one? I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the cone filters are no good with MAF sensors
That's the one I have then after it back fired I opened up the bonnet and saw that the air filter box lid had snapped and the metal flap had got stuck. Just need to modify the new box when I get it, or could I replace it altogether for a cone one? I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the cone filters are no good with MAF sensors

K&N or Cone type oiled filters are pointless on a P38 and they can indeed coat the MAF sensor in a thin layer of oil...

Fit a replacement Air Box, fit a Backfire Valve and don't mash yer foot into the floor :D:D:D

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