
Well-Known Member
Any of you lovely people recommend a garage/mechanic who can take a look at my clutch, classic pedal drop this morning!
In the St Austell area as working there at the mo.
Thanks in advance. G.
Any of you lovely people recommend a garage/mechanic who can take a look at my clutch, classic pedal drop this morning!
In the St Austell area as working there at the mo.
Thanks in advance. G.
My recommendation would be plan in advance, and never go to Snozzle! :D

But @Trewey will know all about your question.
Merely an observation but the centre of town does have that magnetic quality which seems to focus on nutters!
The best thing I could say about it is that it is slightly better than Bodmin Town. o_O

But I think Trewey's son works in a garage round there, so he should be able to make some suggestions.

I know several places in West Cornwall that would look at it, but you have to get it there.
There is a slight chance you may find some clutch/brake fluid somewhere down there. Likely not much in your trucks reservoir pot.
So call the recommended garage, guy turns up 20 mins later, takes the beast about 4 miles to his garage.
It’s Shaun King, independent LR mechanic based in Par. Seems like a good set up.
Hope I’m not stuck in snozzle too long, might turn loopy, plenty of work to do though, converting an old bank back to a shop with flats above.
Not Barclays Bank in Church Street is it? I have (not so fond) memories of being in there being interviewed by the bank manager for a £500 loan to buy a Honda CX500!

Sadly, St Austell is a shadow of its former self, but most of the money that made it a thriving town in the past was from ECLP Clay Workers and that industry has been decimated.

Worth carrying a spare slave cylinder at all times, as they don't seem to last long at all.
Not Barclays Bank in Church Street is it? I have (not so fond) memories of being in there being interviewed by the bank manager for a £500 loan to buy a Honda CX500!

Sadly, St Austell is a shadow of its former self, but most of the money that made it a thriving town in the past was from ECLP Clay Workers and that industry has been decimated.

Worth carrying a spare slave cylinder at all times, as they don't seem to last long at all.

Barclays is now closed down, they have a shed in the town square where you can go if you want to be talked at by a spotty 12 year old who thinks they know everythink!
It’s the former TSB.

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