please for the love of all that is holey help me:mad: i have rebuilt my top end after crank bolt drama [1.8 k series] sorted timing headache and all was well then sorted water pump:( now have a reoccurring problem once again, so there's the back ground here's my problem, once engine is up to temp and running for a while it randomly cuts out, [ no acceleration when pushing pedal and engine will then stall if you do not come to a complete stop] then almost straight away if you turn the key it will jump into life no problems:confused: run until warm again then do it again????? i was thinking crank position sensor? cam sensor?? or water temp sensor??? anybody else had this problem?? please any useful advice help would be great?? thanks in advance:rolleyes:
Probably neither sensor as the symptoms arn't for either.


  • Cam-crank sensors.JPG
    Cam-crank sensors.JPG
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Symptoms are the same for crank shaft angle sensor. Could be/could not be doesn't always show on a diagnostics though.
had some people suggesting fuel pump?? would this start playing up when hot? i no on some vehicles this may be the case but is it a problem with the hippo's?
possibly the throttle housing? this happened to me exactly the same on an old focus. turned out there was soething wrong with the idle and the throttle body. so just check the housing and asociated items such as the air intake hose, idle air control valve and hose, throttle position sensor and breather hoses etc
Check under fuse box in engine bay for corrosion. That can cause the same type of symptoms.
completed all checks regarding throttle body and all other parts, still no joy??? really wondering about the fuel pump as i am now stumped :{

are u able to get a hawkeye or garage near u to plug it in to a diagnostics, may come up with a fault error code and may steer u in the right direction in narrowing down the route cause

not sure if it will help but the continual loss of power and cutting out of my hippo was due to green cr*p inside the common rail fuel sensor connector. its located just below the manifold to the right of the engine block. had to clean it a couple of times then it ran sweet. still, eventually bought a repair kit.
are you 100% sure the timing is spot on i have had seen faults along these lines when its been slightly out
timing is spot on, no air leaks at all, am going to plug it into software asap but need this for a big trip on Sunday, pretty sure this little hippo hasn't got cam sensor?? however i am using auto data and its stating my crank sensor is at the front of the engine???? yet i am pretty sure its not, i think its round the back under inlet's on side of gearbox? anyone have an image or can confirm this???? going to renew fuel filter tomorrow see if that help's have cleaned almost everything else bloody engine bay looks shiny :/ my lac[idle air control valve] was very scooted up also. thanks for all replies ongoing help sympathy donations gratefully received lol :)

you have my sympathy, belive me, must be driving u nuts

hope im not being rude in saying, have u checked ur egr valve, air filter, crankcase filter, turbo filter, vaccuum hoses not split or come off, turbo intercooler hoses ,

have u taken electrical connectors off and sprayed them with electrical cleaner etc

if ur fuel filter is behind the rear wheel arch, its just fidely , i jacked mine up, removed the rear wheel, partially removed the inner wheel arch liner, its easier to remove the whole filter, pump assembly on the tray, need to remove the fuel pipes and electrical connector

not telling u how to suck eggs and hope u get on ok and maybe a diagnostic tester may give u some head way

please letus know if u nail the fault

you have my sympathy, belive me, must be driving u nuts
hope im not being rude in saying, have u checked ur egr valve, air filter, crankcase filter, turbo filter, vaccuum hoses not split or come off, turbo intercooler hoses ,
have u taken electrical connectors off and sprayed them with electrical cleaner etc
if ur fuel filter is behind the rear wheel arch, its just fidely , i jacked mine up, removed the rear wheel, partially removed the inner wheel arch liner, its easier to remove the whole filter, pump assembly on the tray, need to remove the fuel pipes and electrical connector
not telling u how to suck eggs and hope u get on ok and maybe a diagnostic tester may give u some head way
please letus know if u nail the fault

It's K Series.
:( yep k series so no turbo and my filter is in tank:mad: but thanks for other suggestions, i will update when its sorted or i convince my wife we need a defender:tea:
I'll read it sober and without avoid alcofrol painkillers tom... :)

Does it die when thw
Brake pedal is pressed?

Mine is a bit hesitant/misses when kpointing downhill wuth the break pedal pressed.
Vacuum leak somewhere. :)
day to day its fine [2 miles to work] and short trips round town, but go a bit more say duel carriageway or constant running for 40 mins and it will act as if its ran outta fuel loose all revs and stall. doing my fecking head in now, really do not no what to do???????

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