Indeed such a crying shame ,suppose one very small consultation of the grace period till 2027 , know it will be upsetting for 1,000’s of road users who are being forced to change there’s

Hopefully by 2027 I’ll be in the position to move down to the south west in Dorset and by doing so allowing me to then decide for myself when to change my D3 and not being forced to do so

Plus just think of all the extra deliveries and carbon footprint where parts being delivered due to the increased complexity of the newer motors , wonder if motorbikes will become more popular

sory I’m waffling again, lol
They are introducing MOT's for motorcycles here:eek:
Thanks Keith.
Hardly ANY rust...just the odd bit that I spotted when I viewed by powerful torch in the dark last night. So far, there's only very long brake pedal travel, although it does stop without drama.
One rear passenger window is u/s at main swith pack, so I'll check out the rear switch tomorrow. As I'm "Billy-no-mates" most of the time it doesn't phase me. I need to sell my little Citroën C2 now. It's a great little car, but my back can't cope with ANY seat position.
Drums at the rear? A Ford escort I had years ago and my wifes old Ford Ka both suffer(ed) with long brake pedal. If you brake lift off and brake again quickly, does it firm up? If so it is probably a seized / sticky handbrake adjustment ratchet on the shoes. I sorted the escort one - they were seized solid. After a lot of swearing, solvent, levering, etc they moved beautifully. Copper greased them slightly and reassembled, perfect.
Basically the rest position of the shoes is set by the ratchet for the handbrake operation. If the ratchet doesn't work, with use the shoes rest too far away and the pedal goes long. Free up the ratchet (or lift and rebrake quickly), the shoes haven't retracted and the brake goes shorter and firmer.
looks like I'm going to have to keep my Wilma outfit now seeing as you've turned all hairdresser like:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D
Don't let me anywhere near your excellent head of hair John...we'd end up matching styles & you know you wouldn't want that :confused:
I'll put my orbital polisher in the car next time I'm around your neck of the woods...just in case you change your mind :cool:
Don't let me anywhere near your excellent head of hair John...we'd end up matching styles & you know you wouldn't want that :confused:
I'll put my orbital polisher in the car next time I'm around your neck of the woods...just in case you change your mind :cool:
Too kind sir:D:D

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