Jimmy Salsa

New Member
Howdy all,

Don't know how I missed this forum before but very impressed so far. Anything with more Landy fun and info has got to be a good thing ;-)

We are mad Landy fans and have put up a channel of all of our offroad action. Doesn't sound too unusual except that our vehicle of choice is a 2007 Rangie Sport and you just don't see too many of them being punted around offroad the way we do.

Here's a link to the channel.

JamieOGilmore's Channel - YouTube

There are around 30 vids of various locations in Australia from touring to more extreme offroad treks.

you should have put this in the spamming bastards thread

although the videos do seem quite good.
:welcome2: Jimmy Salsa

Another bloody colonial, although I must say that they are great vids. :D

Why do some of the antipodeans seem to have more fun than me?? :mad:

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