Having just 'upgraded' from P38 to L322, I couldn't disagree more with the title of this thread!

My P38 is 18 years old. There is no rust on it anywhere. I have driven it about 18,000 miles in just under 2 years and it has been great.

The car was very advanced for its time in 1995, and here we are getting on for two decades later moaning about the odd electrical fault. Yet the vast majority of the car's electrics on the vast majority of cars still work fine even after all this time.

OK it could have been fitted with coils and have a proven, basic car electrical system like the Japanese competition, but it wouldn't have performed anything like as well. Go for a spin in a Land Cruiser or Mitsi of a similar vintage and you will realise how crude they are in comparison.

So L/R took some chances with a much more complicated car than the competition, which performed superbly but suffered from reliability issues. Most of these can be resolved fairly easily and hence there are loads of them still on the road.

The L322 is a big step forwards in making the RR more like a luxury car but it does not feel like it will last as long. And somehow the P38 feels more like a 'proper' 4x4.

I won't be all that suprised if my soon-to-be-ex P38 is still going strong in 10 years time, I will be suprised if the L322 is...........

I think it may well be the BEST car L/R ever made... the most durable, very capable off road, very capable on road.



Sums it up quite well.:clap2:
Having just 'upgraded' from P38 to L322, I couldn't disagree more with the title of this thread!

etc ........ etc (didn't want to have to quote the whole thing!)

I think it may well be the BEST car L/R ever made... the most durable, very capable off road, very capable on road.


Is what I usual say ,only you put it much much more eloquently!!

Top Draw.....:clap2:
He was talking about the P38 not the L322 the way I read it.:p
Regardless of Classic, P38 or L322 - I love ALL Range Rovers....

I just happen to have a L322 - if I had the money and space, I'd have one of each:eek:
Back in the day... (does that phrase annoy you as much as it does me?) I spent 30k on an E Class Merc, 3.2 diesel. Luxurious, fast, 40mpg, beautiful car and got most of my dosh back when I sold it. These days, being married with 2.4, that extravagant avenue of pleasure has been well and truly cut off. But looking back, surely that must have been the best vehicle purchase to date? Or was it the gorgeous Toyota Supra I brought back from the States? Or maybe pipped to the post by the magnificent old Classics I've had the pleasure of?


P38 every time.

Is it time for my medicine nurse?
Read the "Land Rover Owner" article today which places P38As last in the list of best Range Rovers ever, citing the unreliability and expensive (?) parts as the issues! The write-up on the L322 doesn't mention the parts are way more expensive, just as unreliable and the diesels needs a new transmission every 80K miles! Nor did it mention there are plenty of L322s knocking about that haven't had the front-diff recall done.I think the people writing article are probably Land Rover Series nuts that know nothing about Range Rovers. They put the classic in first place, then L405, L322, P38. They call the P38 "ugly" when I still think it's the best looking Rangie ever.
Try not to forget that most Landy owners are Luddites. They believe that coils are better than air bags and leaf springs are better than coils. Electronics are the work of Satan and the best vehicles in the world are started with crank handles.
Try not to forget that most Landy owners are Luddites. They believe that coils are better than air bags and leaf springs are better than coils. Electronics are the work of Satan and the best vehicles in the world are started with crank handles.

I turned up to an off road day in Wales in my old Classic. Everyone else had Landies and I certainly got the cold shoulder from a lot of them. The ironic thing is that we didn't get stuck once all day and a lot of the Landies did :)
I love my P38, pain in the arse though it may be.....I am learning bit by bit and once the urgent jobs are tackled, I'll be going forward to back refurbing it.
I turned up to an off road day in Wales in my old Classic. Everyone else had Landies and I certainly got the cold shoulder from a lot of them. The ironic thing is that we didn't get stuck once all day and a lot of the Landies did :)

Try turning up with a P38 for an even stronger reaction!
Recently I've been through some rough times but the p38 been there to put a smile back on the face. Sure was thinking about getting rid but everytime I sit in it / drive it all the problems and stress just fade away ! LONG LIVE P38 !!!!!!!!!

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