
New Member
London member? Lurked here for tips when I lived up in the sticks & had a Defender: rebalancing the karmic scales by offering a set of heavy duty silver 90 / Defender roof bars with all fitttings. Have a bunch of scratches on them, but are the real Tonka Toy deal.
Free. Regular / prolific landyzone poster preferred. Pick up only, Notting Hill, London.
I might be able to snap them up... Are you in the congestion zone?

Yep, unfortunately, although they're scrapping the Western extension of it (the bit I live in) after Christmas, and apparently the London Congestion Charge will be suspended "over the festive period between Saturday 25 December until Monday 3 January inclusive", so the roof bars could be picked up Tue 28th / Wed 29th / Thu 30th before the end of the year. If you most definitely can pick them up then, we could move to PM communication and I'll delete this whole thread.
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Bugger - I'm a 20 minute walk away most of the time (Chelsea), but currently in West Wales for Christmas and then possibly Scotland for New Years.

If it falls though (unlikely I'm guessing) then I can arrange for a mate who's still in Kensington area to pick them up. Not quite sure when I'll be back (well better be back on the 10th for an exam)
amazin how the "regular / prolific landyzoners" come out the wood work aint it :mad: and all from right on his doorstep too :rolleyes:
Well I'm not exactly up to your high standards but it's bloody ironic that of all the times to post it I'm the other end of the country.

To be honest I hadn't seen the thread before.
I think we all need to spout **** at more people and constantly tell noobs to "search" whenever they ask a question. That way we can really boost our post count!
Right O I have the Paddy hopkirk Roof bars I collected them from Jackcavendish and all I can say is what a gebuine gentleman. So I have them to Landyzone them to a deserving LZ member that has a need for them. Jack Kindly gave a Haynes manual which I have found a home for a friend around the corner was asking me how to do a wheel bearing and he now has a haynes manual.

Jackcavendish Top Geezer! Many thanks I will find somone that has a need for them and maybe get Landyzone courier service/collection in full effect!!

Right O I have the Paddy hopkirk Roof bars I collected them from Jackcavendish and all I can say is what a gebuine gentleman. So I have them to Landyzone them to a deserving LZ member that has a need for them. Jack Kindly gave a Haynes manual which I have found a home for a friend around the corner was asking me how to do a wheel bearing and he now has a haynes manual.

Jackcavendish Top Geezer! Many thanks I will find somone that has a need for them and maybe get Landyzone courier service/collection in full effect!!


Wouldn't say no (again) to them mesel';):D
Well if we can LZ them to you they're yours anyone driving Norf and some? might be the furthest LZ courier ever??? or just optimistic