I'm no Apple fan, but the EFF is a very anti-commercial organisation and have a long history of inflating privacy concerns.
I think the feature the Apple patent application describes is pretty cool. I'd love to be able trigger my phone to capture photo & voice of someone who stole my phone.
The article does have a valid poin as far as government intervention and data logging are concerned. Norwich Union currently has a "pay as you drive" insurance scheme for 17 to 25year olds. Which is basically a GPS in your car that reports your driving pattern to Norwich Union Drive on a motorway mid day and pay low rate per mile drive thru a town centre at midnight and pay a very high rate per mile. Now they planned their data storage needs on the premise that the information they had gathered could be deleted within 3 months of the driver paying the bill. Unfortunately the Gov decided that the data would be useful for crime prevention and anti terroristism. so they ordeered Norwich Union to keep thre data for a minimum of 3 years. Adding £100 million to Norwich Unions data storage bill. :eek: and scuppering the financial viability of the project.
ive got iphone 3gs and i dont even care if they are trying to but in on my privacy, theres no way the law would allow it!!!
I'm no Apple fan, but the EFF is a very anti-commercial organisation and have a long history of inflating privacy concerns.
I think the feature the Apple patent application describes is pretty cool. I'd love to be able trigger my phone to capture photo & voice of someone who stole my phone.

Yes I agree with you there it would be great to catch the thieving git in progress but provided that this 'feature' could only be enabled when the phone was reported lost or stolen. Other wise it's just a bit to sinister for my taste but each to their own.

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