Can't take the discovery she is poorly with a sick gearbox ��
But at least it get to go ��
yep there as soon as the campsite opens hopefully. Although the tickets I paid for around a month ago haven't arrived yet, a call to them reveals they're running behind and they should be here tomorrow. Failing that I have to call them and things will probably be a bit awkward.
Scottant. They're talking ****. I've never had tickets delivered nomatter how far in advance. Always been done on the gate don't worry of you don't get them!
ahh fair enough thought that would be the case. I did book 3 pitches too, one of which is for family from Hampshire and they are travelling up separately. hopefully we get there first!
If there all booked in same name and they get there first they just say your name amount of pitches etc then they should giv them all the stuff, just need to meet you at the gates to get in

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