New Member
Had a day shooting this week-end in wet conditions. The other vehicles were a brand new Discovery and a new Vogue and my 96 P38. Discovery completely lost traction on one gentle grass slope and stuggled in other tough places and the new Vogue slid into a ditch and had to be gragged out. In all the same areas the P38 had no issues at all and I have no experience with offroad.

What does this mean!
It means that you can take youre friends to the pub, and then gloat about the fact that money doesnt buy wisdom.........i'm sure they'll like that.
I went out 2 weeks ago in a disco with 35" MT tyres on and he struggled to get up a grass slope that everyone else managed no problem and he had detroit lockers. His excuse was to much power at the wheels he has changed the diff ratios.

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