
New Member
Any body in Scotland able to do any off road driving? even just a local track, please post it here.
yes i know the ins and out of the law and no i am not at this time in a club, theres got to be loads of like minded folk about
just want to get the wheels dirty.
i am in stirling but struggle to find anywhere good to go,altough a local farmer with 15 acre of hills has said i am more than welcolme to go up and play if i want so that maybe turn out ok..
i am in stirling but struggle to find anywhere good to go,altough a local farmer with 15 acre of hills has said i am more than welcolme to go up and play if i want so that maybe turn out ok..

sounds excellent mate, any details ive got a pretty standard 110 csw 300tdi, and im also a bit of a novice off road even though ive had landys for years. and its just along the road...
there is nearly 90 views against this post does this mean 90 folk are like minded and want to get the wheels dirty without being involved in a club?
hey gizgrey got the new tyres stuck on they are ****ing brilliant !! went thro stuff i wouldnt even walk thro lol only problem now is my light dont work haha !!
hey gizgrey got the new tyres stuck on they are ****ing brilliant !! went thro stuff i wouldnt even walk thro lol only problem now is my light dont work haha !!
ha ha glad your enjoying them mate,**** hot tyres will serve you well...:D:D
i am in stirling but struggle to find anywhere good to go,altough a local farmer with 15 acre of hills has said i am more than welcolme to go up and play if i want so that maybe turn out ok..

sounds excellent mate, any details ive got a pretty standard 110 csw 300tdi, and im also a bit of a novice off road even though ive had landys for years. and its just along the road...
its up by the wind farm in doune,braes of doune i think its called i will give him a phone and see when its ok to go up,i have heard that there is a course made for the gleneagles members at braco,my mate recons i could play up there but will need to find out first just not had any time recently..
hey, i'm looking for some muddy fun in scotland too, either up in aberdeen or in glasgow (or anywhere inbetween !)
I'm the same in a standard 90 with just AT tyres
It may be worth contacting Dunblane Hydro. They have a large disused quarry. Dont know if they will let public on but it was used by my old job to train in offroad skills in a Def 90. Be discreet, suggest you are from a recognised club and it may be worth going along in person and asking for the Estates Manager. It has a small river running through it and lots of steep slopes but had not been specifically designed for off road stuff, but that was about 7 years ago.
It may be worth contacting Dunblane Hydro. They have a large disused quarry. Dont know if they will let public on but it was used by my old job to train in offroad skills in a Def 90. Be discreet, suggest you are from a recognised club and it may be worth going along in person and asking for the Estates Manager. It has a small river running through it and lots of steep slopes but had not been specifically designed for off road stuff, but that was about 7 years ago.

Good shout, definitely worth a shot and I will do so and let you know if I have any success.
Cheers !

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