Rusty, I could always write a small addition into the tracking program to allow you to get accurate lat-lon to your phone on demand. Could this be useful with paper maps?
Adam says that could be useful :D

A few of our friends have said that they are keen to join is - a mate in his D3 (what the heck you do when that goes wrong, who knows) which will be a comfortable, quiet trip for him! And a couple in a RRC. I might end up preparing the SJ that we just bought and maybe someone else will go in that.
Howd u get on with that dvd rusty?

I have just ordered it. Have been feltting with the 90 and it needs some work doing. But im itching to get it into somewhere remote. The more ive looked the more ive found plenty of potentially cool places to take it within relativly short periods.

It also seems some people take ALOT of stuff with them.

Whats everyones opinion of lone wolfing it? We dont know anyone who could accompany us on a journey to provide another car if **** happens. Or do you guys just advertise on here and see who wants to come along? Atm looks like we will be lone wolfing it.
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The people who take alot of kit go prepared. they dont use ~30% of the stuff they take (volume), but if you travel alone you will want to cover your arse.

someone once said "adventures only happen to people who cannot plan expeditions".

Howd u get on with that dvd rusty?

I have just ordered it. Have been feltting with the 90 and it needs some work doing. But im itching to get it into somewhere remote. The more ive looked the more ive found plenty of potentially cool places to take it within relativly short periods.

It also seems some people take ALOT of stuff with them.

Whats everyones opinion of lone wolfing it? We dont know anyone who could accompany us on a journey to provide another car if **** happens. Or do you guys just advertise on here and see who wants to come along? Atm looks like we will be lone wolfing it.

Sounds like you are in the same boat as me ;) Definately post your plans up here, someone may well be keen to tag along.

I'd prefer to go in a group, but if when I am ready to go, no one wants to go anywhere, I'll also Lone Wolf it, maybe start small, French Pyrennes or Morocco and then take it from there!

I do agree that the more you plan the less will go wrong, but then I also think dealing with issues along the trip will add to the fun. I'm going to try and pick the line that goes midway between totally boring because you over planned, and dead because you were an idiot :D (thinking about it, more towards boring than dead)
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Not watched the DVD yet - I will wactch it over the weekend.

I am sure if you put a post up there will be someone who is willing to team up with you. I have gone lone to Mongolia - and lots of others have...of course it is a risk...but then could be considered as part of the fun :)

I plan to do trips as regular as I can afford and as regular as my work can permit...and anyone is more than welcome to tag along on parts or all of the journey. When are you thinking of going LandyBerks?

I take very little stuff with me compard to a lot of people...even down to camping my opinion a lot of people go way over the top but ah well, it is each to their own. I am happy with a single burner stove, couple of plastic plates and forks, a tent, a fold chair and some blankets. Not a lot else as far as that goes!

Dealing with issues along the way is deffo part of the fun. I think if we planned everything perfectly...yeah greatly reduces the chance of things going wrong but at the same time there isn't any scope for randomness which is often the best bit...I prefer an ad-hoc style!

Michelin 959 ordered. Woot woot!
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Sounds like you are in the same boat as me ;) Definately post your plans up here, someone may well be keen to tag along.

I'd prefer to go in a group, but if when I am ready to go, no one wants to go anywhere, I'll also Lone Wolf it, maybe start small, French Pyrennes or Morocco and then take it from there!

I do agree that the more you plan the less will go wrong, but then I also think dealing with issues along the trip will add to the fun. I'm going to try and pick the line that goes midway between totally boring because you over planned, and dead because you were an idiot :D (thinking about it, more towards boring than dead)

Yeah sounds similar. Think we will plan more towards the dead than boring tho. Want some adventure as griff said rather than just a long drive. Want to go well off the beaten track.

Id love to go head first into a hardcore trip but, my sensible head means im gonna have to do some smaller ones first as you said.

Not watched the DVD yet - I will wactch it over the weekend.

I am sure if you put a post up there will be someone who is willing to team up with you. I have gone lone to Mongolia - and lots of others have...of course it is a risk...but then could be considered as part of the fun :)

I plan to do trips as regular as I can afford and as regular as my work can permit...and anyone is more than welcome to tag along on parts or all of the journey. When are you thinking of going LandyBerks?

I take very little stuff with me compard to a lot of people...even down to camping my opinion a lot of people go way over the top but ah well, it is each to their own. I am happy with a single burner stove, couple of plastic plates and forks, a tent, a fold chair and some blankets. Not a lot else as far as that goes!

Dealing with issues along the way is deffo part of the fun. I think if we planned everything perfectly...yeah greatly reduces the chance of things going wrong but at the same time there isn't any scope for randomness which is often the best bit...I prefer an ad-hoc style!

Michelin 959 ordered. Woot woot!

Am going to try and go as soon as i can afford. Possible just after christmas time/early next year. And spend the time inbetween doing the UK/possible weekend trip somewhere.

I would be agreeing with your style i think Rusty. Challengine and random sounds good.

Hopefully that dvd will arrive soon and ill see what im letting myself in for :).

Ive been looking at several peoples kit lists, and it just goes on and on with £1000's worth of stuff, like two 300 quid stoves and 400 quid heater etc etc. Think my kit is just gonna be basic survival stuff and some basic equipment/spares.

Just wanna get gone somewhere. I think a treck into wales/salisbury is required next weekend or something. :)
Id love to go head first into a hardcore trip but, my sensible head means im gonna have to do some smaller ones first as you said.

Fair enough, you sound more sensible than me :)

You sound like you have the adventure bug!

Basic stuff is the way to go in my opinion too.

Well...if you are looking to do another trip in July or maybe September let me know as we will probably do Morocco then.
Yeah sounds similar. Think we will plan more towards the dead than boring tho. Want some adventure as griff said rather than just a long drive.

Me too, I was taking into account that half the things I plan from here for an Africa trip may not work out, so while I may plan for a half responsible trip, I'm sure it will be far less responsible than that :D, I'm mainly concerned about insuring I have the correct visa's/travel docs/access to funds, cause I know how pig headed African beaurocracy can be and I think it would suck to be be stuck in a dump while you are waiting for paperwork. Accomodation and dates can just be winged, specially with a kitted out vehicle.

Well my vehicle goes in Monday for it's 200tdi Engine (from a 2.5 NAD), and then for a new paintjob (it's currently nato green with Union Jacks everywhere) and then hopefully another 2 months to complete... Sould be a good time to visit Morocco.:)
Me too, I was taking into account that half the things I plan from here for an Africa trip may not work out, so while I may plan for a half responsible trip, I'm sure it will be far less responsible than that :D, I'm mainly concerned about insuring I have the correct visa's/travel docs/access to funds, cause I know how pig headed African beaurocracy can be and I think it would suck to be be stuck in a dump while you are waiting for paperwork. Accomodation and dates can just be winged, specially with a kitted out vehicle.

Well my vehicle goes in Monday for it's 200tdi Engine (from a 2.5 NAD), and then for a new paintjob (it's currently nato green with Union Jacks everywhere) and then hopefully another 2 months to complete... Sould be a good time to visit Morocco.:)

Looks like we are all in a similar boat then. See my DIY paint job thread as mine is currently brush painted green too lol.

Nothing says shoot me like a army green defender with union jacks on it :)

Yeah got the bug but not gone anywhere yet!

YouTube - LoneWolfTransglobal's Channel
Hi Rusty,

Well Ultimately I want to drive to Cape Town, not sure which route, leave the Landy there, fly back to England to check that there are no squatters living in my house, then fly back to Cape Town to continue my journey home via the other coast. I figured I'd decide on exact countries closer to the time, but I'd probably like to go everywhere that isn't in the middle of a full blown civil war.

Plan to do a shakedown trip end of this year, maybe Morocco or French Pyrennes
Watched the DVD I ordered. Seems to be quite a vary in terrains which is good and what I hoped for. Some of the stuff could almost be classed as tricky from what the DVD shows. The guy seems to drive very slow though - "Pedal to the Metal" made me LOL when it looked as if he was doing about 30MPH! And odd, old style, porno music throughout. Worthwhile to buy, if not just to get a few ideas of routes and what sort of terrains to expect.
Good Stuff.

I canceled mine in the end as the bloke ran out. And i couldnt justify paying 16 quid for a dvd so didnt bother. I guess ill just have to learn when im out there or sneakly get u to rip me off a copy.

Landrover currently poorly tho. Should be ready for a crimbo jaunt tho...
I could let you borrow it if you PM me your address :)
The DVD will not teach you much really...just that there are varied terrains and a few routes that you could use...all of which are researchable from other sources. Still a good watch though, wouldnt take that away from it
Tis a funny DVD :D If you have all ready been to the country, it offers nothing much else for you, but I wish I had this BEFORE we went as it does show you the terrain and other things to be expected. A nice unexpected comfort.

Thanks for those Gary - don't suppose you recall which ones of those are interesting sections, those that offer good off-road bits and so on?

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