when i have summat to drive ;) I dun a few lanes over that way with Adz, when he was a bout - Wot happened to Alane, anorl - he did a few?
Any other kent based or nearby landy owners want to come out for a gentle days laneing??????
Define Gentle :D

well I'm meeting up with JPS, and I've got a freelander on road tyres which I cannot afford to kill or damage in anyway shape or form, and he assures me that'll I'll be okay with the lanes he's chosen.

guess thats pretty gentle then...
That does sound gentle, but hopefully you will have enough fun that you will immediately go out and get something that is more suited to dents and scrathes :p
oh for sure, I love off roading. I've even seen a fairly straight 90 for 3.5k on a G plate that would suit me down to the ground. However, I can only have one land rover at a time, and as I need it for work, a defender or a 90 is just too harsh for the amount of miles I do for work.

Seriously looked at a discovery van, but it's a bit too high for some of the car parks and other areas I need to get into. The freelander fits in most easily, although I usually have to take ladders off the roof if I'm carrying them.

The freelander is a great van for work, comfy and easy to drive, fairly economical. Copes with most things I want to do with it, not really interested in extreme off roading at the moment, just a bit of greenlaning here and there, and a bit of "going where a normal car won't" type stuff.

but we all need dreams....
Married Huh ! :biggrin1:

How did you guess ? Ain't complainin (much). One landy rule is a little price to pay for all the other stuff I get away with. More financial driven than anything else.


JPS and I are meeting at the Roman Galley at 9AM in the morning. Won't be on the forum again till it's too late ! If you are there, you are there.
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Nice one OP, Glad you enjoyed it!
and yes like you said to get more Kent LZ`ers together would be nice!

Another freelander coping fine on road tyres! Maybe general consensus is they are poo, but having been out with two different freelanders now (one of which was ill!!!) they made mincemeat of the mud and ruts put in front of them!!! Cant fault the capability!!
Cheers for yesterday JPS, really enjoyed it, have to organise another one soon, maybe with a few more takers !

First time I've given Freelander a workout, I'll admit I was a little nervous at times, but that last lane was a corker.

Just need to find a day to polish all the scratches out !

Thinking Kent Un Named Track Survey as a name, what do you think ? Sounds better than S.L.U.T.S. or T.O.S.S.E.R.S. !
Its nice to see Care in the Community working well.

Only joking, glad you had a great day out
Cheers for yesterday JPS, really enjoyed it, have to organise another one soon, maybe with a few more takers !

First time I've given Freelander a workout, I'll admit I was a little nervous at times, but that last lane was a corker.

Just need to find a day to polish all the scratches out !

Thinking Kent Un Named Track Survey as a name, what do you think ? Sounds better than S.L.U.T.S. or T.O.S.S.E.R.S. !
No worries man it was good, K.U.N.T.S is good! we gotta be to live here wiv all the imgrants!! Ha i was little nervous taking you down the track wiv the steps as i hadnt checked it out beforehand, especially as we probably wasnt going to get back up the steps on road tyres if it got too rough for ya! but no all was good made it through no worries! You worry about ya scratches and i will worry about the three poxy pin holes in my front diff housing!!!! :doh::doh::doh: Came ot this morning to a puddle of oil under it grrrrrrr

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