
Well-Known Member
Dear All,

I am relatively new to off road driving but eager to learn.
I have searched youtube for off road driving and recovery techniques and tips. I have found a great deal of material among which quite a few from Land Rover.
Some of them are basic some are advanced such as these:
Bridging Ladders - Advanced Off Road Driving and Recovery Techniques - YouTube
Hi-Lift Winching - Advanced Off Road Driving and Recovery Techniques - YouTube
Winching - Advanced Off Road Driving and Recovery Techniques - YouTube
Wading - Advanced Off Road Driving and Recovery Techniques - YouTube
Exiting Deep Ruts - Advanced Off Road Driving and Recovery Techniques - YouTube

I know that these instructional videos cannot replace the hand on experience one can gain at a Land Rover off road driving centre but I suppose they can give you some foundation to build on.

Any thoughts?

your better looking out for a greenlane meet or a group doing play and pay they will help you learn. Some of things peeps post are dangerous. With a lot of things it's common sense. There are a few groups on here that do pub meets as well.
dont really matter how many vids you watch , you really need to get with a bunch of experienced peeps and get stuck in , get stuck , get recovered and learn by mistakes
dont really matter how many vids you watch , you really need to get with a bunch of experienced peeps and get stuck in , get stuck , get recovered and learn by mistakes

Tis true what you say, you cannot get the feel of a car by watching YouTube BUT I do feel it is important to tackle off roading with the correct theory in mind, a sizeable difference between and good and bad off road driver can be the understanding of theory.

We all tend to forget the theory though for the pursuit of fun, but sometimes you simply want to get where you're going and can't afford to be stuck so it kinda helps to know what to do!! :D
Thanks, Guys

I shall watch some more videos to get that theoretical foundation but shall make sure I find the right experienced people to learn from.


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