
New Member
Got a '96 Discovery diesel. The odometer and trip meter register in kilometers even though the primary speed indication is MPH. Is this good/bad/doesn't matter?

Also, underneath the four switches to the left of the steering wheel is a red rocker switch. Sometimes I flick it a few times when I'm bored but it doesn't seem to actually do anything. Any ideas or should I get a new hobby?

Rear window wiper will only wipe once. Have to keep pressing the button to get it to go again. Should this be my new hobby or is there a solution?
Welcome to Looneyzone, Wigs.
not sure on the 96 discos - are they electronic odometers - or cable driven?
rear wiper - they normally have two wires to drive the motors - one which goes thru the park bit and the other by-passes that and constantly drives the motor. Sugest you get a multimeter out and check the wiring at the rear wiper motor.
As for the button - no idea.
Sounds like its been imported and someones changed the speedo face not the whole clock might be a prob if and when ya come to sell it i spose and also if it is an import and you havnt told ya insurance it might cause some problems
Most insurance companies work off the number plate so if you dont tell em its an import they know any way so that shouldn't be a problem. My rear wipe does the same so there is probably a sensible faily straight forward fix but I'm a reet lazy barstool so I just keep pressing the button to make it work. The joys of Landys... never seem to completly brake but when it goes you have to do a stupid sequence of things to make it do what it ort to. I'm turning left so blower motor on full, windscreen wipers to intermitent and indicate left :) I put up with her quirks cos she tolarates my poor driving skills.
Most insurance companies work off the number plate so if you dont tell em its an import they know any way so that shouldn't be a problem

Personally i wouldnt take the risk, when gettin quotes for my disco alot of em asked if it was imported or not and you just know that them robbing insurance bastids will try wriggle and worm there way out of coughing up over the slightest thing
Disco 2 odometer does ks or miles at flick of switch (or at least at holding down of button). Might you have something similar? Try pushing the zero button in for a few secs.
Thanks for your help Landy-Geezers. Maybe I shall try driving in French. Watch out for me.....
my '98 discovery ES has an analog mileage and in miles so can't imagine a 96 would be digital... but maybe..

so in that case almost certainly an import.. question is how do you know it is in KM not miles?

also insurance - mine is registered on V5 asa dual fuel but still have to tell insurance co it has lpg... they don't recognise it straight away from the reg...

Analogue, that's where the little wheels go round innit, not like my watch with the clever red digits.......

Silliness aside, yes it is the analogue but I have just returned from o'er The Ditch and yer European Disco does seem to have the primary (ie outer row and big numerals) speedo in K's. Mine has got MPH with K's inside, meanwhile the odometer whizzes round like the head counter in an Austrian deportation office (dodgy analogy that). Being of an Orstralian persuasion I am no stranger to kilometerage and it was the work of moments to calibrate the instrument whilst touring in the aforementioned island of Europe.

I shall return to gentle head scratching.
unless LR pucked up when they built it and fitted the wrong un then it pretty much has to be an import I guess... the V5 would tell ya that... unless it was a grey import when it was brand new....

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