Thanks for the positive comments folks, it helps ease the pain I have been feeling about this rash purchase (although I was smitten the moment I sat in it).
A battery cover has been added (for modesty's sake) we cannot have a naked battery on show now can we?
TBH...I just stole it off my old 4.6HSE and swapped it over (like I am going to swap over the newer RF module and the brand-new brake-booster).
All the failures on this cars recent MOT's have been.....wait for it..... perished rubber components that have dried out and split because its not been out in the real world.
Only 1 of my keys will resync after taking the battery out - the original one. Once that is resynced and working again I can sync the next one if I unlock with the first fob.

I wouldn't leave the key in while taking the battery off. Unlocked with the driver's door open, yes.
Thanks for the positive comments folks, it helps ease the pain I have been feeling about this rash purchase (although I was smitten the moment I sat in it).
A battery cover has been added (for modesty's sake) we cannot have a naked battery on show now can we?
TBH...I just stole it off my old 4.6HSE and swapped it over (like I am going to swap over the newer RF module and the brand-new brake-booster).
All the failures on this cars recent MOT's have been.....wait for it..... perished rubber components that have dried out and split because its not been out in the real world.

We all bought them in a rash moment of madness.

There's many people in this world for a similar reason.

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