
New Member
hiya guys and girls,

I have a 98 disco commercial, and a few things are killin me at the minute,

mostly to do with me nuts! I have those little alloy wheel nut covers and they

are either getting rounded, coming off or getting stuck in the brace

(broken one brace already taking nuts off) Is there a good alternative

to these little feckers - landy garage here in ireland say no -

i also need another wheel brace!

assistance appreciated

hiya guys and girls,

I have a 98 disco commercial, and a few things are killin me at the minute,

mostly to do with me nuts! I have those little alloy wheel nut covers and they

are either getting rounded, coming off or getting stuck in the brace

(broken one brace already taking nuts off) Is there a good alternative

to these little feckers - landy garage here in ireland say no -

i also need another wheel brace!

assistance appreciated


They're supposed to come off before you try undoing the wheel nuts. as one of them, on each wheel will be covering the locking wheel nut. There should be a plastic doobery fro removing them so you can get at the actual nut.
I tried takin em off, nothing much moves on my old bus

without WD and serious elbow, many years on a farm gaurantee that

locking nuts have also long since gone, if they were ever there

she's 98 so i dunno if they had locking nuts, one there on the spare alright...

thanks though, i'll belt 'em with a hammer next time and see if they shift.

He he,

I like your style slob, I could use one of those BFO long jacks too,

I have a little bottle jack which is fine but I gotta carry a block of wood

the size of my head to get the thing of the ground,

where does one get such things?

piggery (cheers)
Its only on the locking wheel nut that the chrome cover is suposed to come off. On the 'normal' wheel nuts, the chrome cover is fixed in place. The same system has been used for years by Rover, a Mini I used to have and my wifes current MGF have the same system and I have the same problems as you in that the cover rounds off.

What I have done is removed the covers, hammer a screwdriver into the top of the cover and peel it back to gain access to the hex edges, then using the screwdriver like a chisel, cut into the edge until its loose enough to lever off.

After this, keep a suitable sized socket to fit the inner nut and rachet in the car.
nice one manta,

That's a solution I can work with, after all, if you can't fix it with a hammer

it's hardly worth fixing, right!!??


He he,

I have a little bottle jack which is fine but I gotta carry a block of wood

the size of my head to get the thing of the ground,

piggery (cheers)

If its the Landy jack, check the oil level in it as its a double extension jack and will lift ok from the deck with correct amount of oil in it.

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