
New Member
Alright fellas

Quick question tried google ended up with loads of selling jargon.

Is it legal to put a number plate in a window as around where i live some are getting ripped off and broken is it legal for me to drive around with it clearly displayed in the window?
If you get stopped just tell em it had just fallen off an you havent got any screws to put it back on with you
You dunt live near students do you??? When I was one we had a loverly collection of number plates....1 rule though, they had to be off police cars
You dunt live near students do you??? When I was one we had a loverly collection of number plates....1 rule though, they had to be off police cars

Well its not a problem in my village as most people that would do it know me its more the town 2 miles down the road where its rife with ellegant and graceful Geepooss
There doing it to cloan nicked landys for export as they can't get them made up anymore without the paperwork, unless you report it stollen within mins of them going missing the plates will be quickly wized off to the coast where an indentical nicked landy is waiting, swap the plates and then onto the ferry never to be seen again. - If you do report it quickly then the bas***ds will hopefuly get stopped by UKBF.

As for number plates - as i recall I think it depends on the age of the landy in question, but don't quote me on that. The acutal position on older vechs. is not a prob. as old lutons has the number plate on the top of the box etc. The important think as far as i'm aware is that it should not be behind a reflective surface that stop causes it 'vanish' is a speed camera goes off :)

You could grind off the screw heads so they can't undo them as a broken plate is useless to car cloaners. People doing it for a 'laugh' are obviously another ball game - if this is the case you could put some contact adhesive / superglue on it and wait to see what you catch :)
err you can get number plates without any papework-all you do is search "show plates and tick the not for road use"
My two penneth worth:

1) Rear plate needs light but not sure if front matters? I remember a thread on here a while ago.

2) Does a car cloner "REALLY" steal a plate then run to the coast and screw it onto another landy? Wouldn't it be easier to just spot a similar landy then get plates made illegally? I know laws have tried to stop the making of plates without paper work but we all know thats not stopping it!!
my landy went through it's MOT with the front plate in the windscreen. I was made to change the 'black rat' plates over to the original plates though as plates with piccys on em are now illegal. As soon as the test was over I swapped em back again.:D:D:D
Hi a mate of mine was stopped a few years ago in a Range Rover with a 'stick on' vinyl number plate on the front leading edge of the bonnet.
Plod told him....number plate must be straight and below bonnet height...
But then they'll tell you anything !.........................
To clarify - It depends if the theif is a have a go one, or a pro. The one doing the od car will nick plates for export, or just so they can drive around with it without setting off ANPR. Obviously the pro organised criminal will get hold of a machine to make plates / order them off the net etc.

Either way they have to know what your plate is, and align it to the same model and colour before making a new one up as if you put a plate off a red saxo on a green defender somebody may think there is something up :) Hence why low level export scams will just nick the plate when they see it if they can
I just spoke to a friend, who knows somebody who is a traffic cop, hes going to make some enquiries and get back to me... (hopefully they won't tell me some load of rubbish, just so they can pull somebody over!) after they decided to stop somebody in the middle of the rotherhith tunnel yeaterday - which for those of you who don't know London is the narroest tunnel (7' width restriction) single file each way and no where to stop, then decieded to dirrect the traffic causing complete chaos! - I'm sure there must have been some logic to it instead of waiting until they had got to the other side where it becomes two lanes again! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I think the best advice is don't give the police an excuse or reason to pull you over. Ultimately they will find something wrong once then have you stopped!!

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