He has gone a bit quiet of late but he's definitely still here. Might be on holiday maybe?
Thank you. I'm hopefully getting parts from a guy on rangerovers.net (Richard_G). Not sure if it's NRV's or a whole bloc,, but I'll keep an eye out for a message from Kurt.
Is Kurt still around the forum? I haven't heard back......Might have to just buy a whole block on ebay.
sorry am still on here , just behaving myself and staying in the shadows lately. I have got sets of NRVs but i am not sure how much it would cost to post to the States .
Hello! Thank you for responding. I'm interested in a set of nrv's... or a rebuilt block if you have one. My zip code is 63114 here in the US if you are able to check the shipping cost. Thank you again!
It sounds like Richard has a good block for me and will be shipping it shortly. Thank you all for your help on Landyzone!

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