
Well-Known Member

I've just finished wiring up my spotlights today with the help of my Dad, and so we thought we'd take me landy out for a quick spin in the dark. Anyways, all is great, the lamps need to be adjusted to point a little bit higher, but besides that, I've just noticed a strange sound.

Whenever I take my foot off the gas and then quickly tap it back on, there's a rattle (more than the usual drive train slack sound) which sounds like its coming from directly beneath the centre of the rear bulkhead. It can sometimes be heard whilst I'm driving at a steady speed. What is this likely to be?

Thanks in advance for any help!

I've just finished wiring up my spotlights today with the help of my Dad, and so we thought we'd take me landy out for a quick spin in the dark. Anyways, all is great, the lamps need to be adjusted to point a little bit higher, but besides that, I've just noticed a strange sound.

Whenever I take my foot off the gas and then quickly tap it back on, there's a rattle (more than the usual drive train slack sound) which sounds like its coming from directly beneath the centre of the rear bulkhead. It can sometimes be heard whilst I'm driving at a steady speed. What is this likely to be?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Sounds like ye've got a screw loose :p ;) :D
No, the rattling noise is soming from underneath my car, around about the middle seat, but I'd say a little further back like under the bulkhead. Dunno what it is
It's not my exhaust Grunt, so don't really know! Gonna have to have a good look in the day light

Off to bed, night
It's not my exhaust Grunt, so don't really know! Gonna have to have a good look in the day light

Off to bed, night
Are ye sure Pos? Silly things like mounting rubbers being a bit worn, exhaust 'looks' clear of chassis/ outriggers etc when infact it's not. Had kinda the same prob a wee while back so ah just jubilee clipped the rubber mounts for now and hey presto, no more rattlin';) :D
could bet'exhaust, but it's not that kinda noise. I'll check, good night sir!

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